Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 27 21:20:38 EDT 2000 | Dean
Here are some pointers to use during your X-ray inspection. Microcracking is virtually impossible to determine with X-ray. However, I suspect you are looking for "hard" opens. Those are much easier to find visually. If using a paste-and-place pro
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 03:08:57 EDT 1999 | Chris May
| I recently had the opportunity to visit the vendor who is making my boards. On my trip I noticed that the guy who was in charge of the SMD placement machine (brand new Samsung) still had to manuallly place about 20%-40% of the parts after placement
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 05:53:54 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko
| | I recently had the opportunity to visit the vendor who is making my boards. On my trip I noticed that the guy who was in charge of the SMD placement machine (brand new Samsung) still had to manuallly place about 20%-40% of the parts after placeme
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 08 04:26:27 EDT 2010 | bks
Hello, this is my first post in this forum, but sometimes I visit it to get some news. Now we have an issue and I need your advice. Few months ago we were awarded with a project that use PTH components. We solder these components on Wave soldering
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 15:15:43 EDT 1999 | John Thorup
| Could use a little help here. Can anyone clarify to me the cause and fix of chip caps/resistors tombstoning following reflow? | | Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. | Most common reason is uneven heating where one side of the component ach
Electronics Forum | Tue May 19 12:54:55 EDT 1998 | Richard Jackson
| We had a similar problem. But whenever the solder came from the screen printer the solder would wet to the gold fingers, with the help of residual flux. But the problem is balls, that I assume are not wetted to the gold fingers but instead are jus
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 15 21:29:06 EST 2001 | davef
That you can solder the test points with a little extra flux and a good blast of heat makes me think there is nothing fundamentally wrong. I'd guess there is oxidation on some test points that is a little crustier than others. You might be able t
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 03 10:50:47 EDT 2007 | kissanepat1
A suggestion for your stencil which works is as follows. Cut your stencil aperatures beyond your pads to a length of 0.1mm , this then allows the paste to pull back into the pad creating a blob of solder which can be inspected by AOI.Best length and
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 06 06:11:18 EDT 2014 | paulg
I have a large monoblock ceramic filter on a PTFE based pcb material. The filter has a metal casing soldered onto the ceramic filter. I am concerned that if the heating rate is to rapid, then thermal shock / differential expansion could cause the fil
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 11 11:54:50 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| | Has anyone ever heard of this? I have a Camalot System 5000 and we were in a pinch to produce some prototype boards. We needed Sn62Pb36Ag2-no clean in a dispensing mesh. All I could get my hands on was some Interflux paste in a jar. The formulati