Electronics Forum: solder a (Page 543 of 1485)

Immersion white tin wave soldering problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 08:00:26 EST 2005 | jax

What you are most likely dealing with: Insufficient Pure Sn layer ( multiple causes ) Because elevated temperatures accelerate the diffusion process, the thickness of the Pure Sn layer will reduce during every thermal cycle... ( bakeing PCBs, S

Re: Electroless Tin Plating

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 20 14:22:02 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | I am being asked, by my vendor and Purchasing people about converting from Tin/lead pads on P.C.B's to Electroless Tin Plating. | | | Can any one tell me what I have to change in my SMT | | | process (paste, reflow, etc) If any? | | | I

BGA's shorting

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 17:06:43 EDT 2001 | davef

Yes, moisture entrapment causes solder shorts 80% of the time. Cracks occur bottom side of the BGA. Use an acoustic microscope to find the cracks. So, what makes you think your BGA are blowing-off steam? I posted a vid on SMTnet that showed the b

Terminal solderability + Silver plating

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 09:26:49 EDT 2004 | davef

You should be able to solder to brass - check with you flux supplier to get their recommendations. The flux you are using may not have enough activation to breakdown the oxides on the brass surface. A word of caution - brass (copper and zinc alloy)

Re: problem in micro-BGA assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 15:44:12 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Dear guys, | | | | I have some problem on assembling micro-BGA with solder paste (63/37). The micro-BGA we assmeble is 0.75mm pitch and with 45 pin (solder bump is 96.5/3.5Ag). The stencil is a laser-cut stencil with 5 mil thickness. We are no

SOT23s and paste + glue

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 11:09:21 EST 2008 | mfcat

We changed paste manufacturers rather recently and are now seeing SOT23s falling off after wave solder. These parts have a dual process... we stencil print paste, apply glue, populate then reflow. Only SOT23s fall off, chips are fine. We do not be

PCB Solderability

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 11:23:51 EDT 2010 | pfloh

Just for your reference. If you need to check for surface contamination, then we shall go for microscope inspection at different modes. But this will not reflect on actual PCB performance. Solderability test will still a good option if PCBA is expe

PCB Laser Marking

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 07:47:39 EST 2019 | robl

Had a lot of good experience with Asys. For proximity YJ Link are not far from you. You would need a flip station to get double sided, and you would want a machine that reads back and verifies the mark. Also consider your solder resist colour as

Re: Repair of SMT boards

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 05 07:23:20 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Where I can find some informations about repairing of SMT boards? | | Thanks | | Marcos | Marcos: Ya know, repair is that "dirty little" part of the business that all try to ignore, don't want to fund properly, and creats more angst than propa

NPL Lead Free Soldering Survey

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 11 11:33:36 EST 1999 | Bob Willis

As part of an analysis of the status of lead-free soldering National Physical Laboratory in the UK is undertaking a short survey, and would be grateful if you would spare a few minutes to answer a few questions. The SMART Group is providing five Int

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