Electronics Forum: solder aluminum (Page 1 of 14)

Plating for aluminum wire bonding

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 10:38:28 EST 2003 | davef

Electroplated nickel and electroplated gold is the more �traditional� finish for aluminum wire bonding. That surface was an extension of gold thermosonic wire bonding that requires a thick [50 thou min] gold surface. For years fabricators recommend

Reflowing large aluminum electro. caps

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 03 09:29:12 EST 2005 | jdengler

This sounds like you are using a straight ramp profile. For this type of an assembly you may need to use a soak type profile. Most solder paste providers show you both types of profiles that work best with that paste. I would try using that profil

solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 10:07:16 EDT 2011 | swag

We bought air dispenser guns that fit the cartriges. I can't remember where we got them - sorry. We built little aluminum "holsters" for the sides of the machines to put the guns in. The guns are hooked up to air with low pressure regulators. Wor

solder crack

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 15:37:56 EDT 2002 | pjc

Possible cause can be design related- if the solder land is too small. Check w/ IPC SM-782 Solder Land Design Guide Another is board finish. I have seen problems like this with Gold finished PWBs- which creates a more brittle solder joint.Another pos

wave solder pallets

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 14:47:09 EST 2006 | jsloot

I have been looking at wave pallets with titanium inserts. I was told about another more recent and less expensive insert using aluminum. The aluminum is coated with some sort of material to prevent the solder from sticking. Is this anodized? Does an

wave solder pallets

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 16:42:47 EST 2006 | Mark Beesley

Hello John, There are some coatings for aluminum to eliminate solder drag out. The do not work with all fluxes it is called hardcoat anodized it is black or geen in color. Unless you have faily high volumn the hard coat cost can be as high as titan

Bad solder joints

Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 08:25:13 EDT 2009 | floydf

We are getting what looks like cold solder joints on one of our boards. The boards have an aluminum substrate, and use OSP plating. The solder is lead free - 96.5 Sn, 3.0 Ag, .5 Cu. The flux is no clean. When we first had the problem, my solder profi

Delta wave solder

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 08 04:24:37 EDT 2016 | aaronpainter

We are having an issue with the solder bars hanging the solder feeder dripping down the back side of the pot, and leaking in to the area where the terminal block for the elements on the pot are. We have tried aluminum tape to close off the gap betwee

wave solder pallets

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 18:36:29 EST 2006 | Chris

Do you want some coating for aluminum? If so here you go. Nordic Ware Hwy 7 at 100 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Phone: 952-920-2888 - Fax: 952-924-8621 Toll Free: 1-800-328-4310 ext.642 These guys charge about $200.00 per lot. You can coat with Silve

estimate solder thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 08:31:57 EDT 2011 | bootstrap

I am building a rugged digital video camera product that essentially is just a sandwitch of 3 parts: #1: front piece is machined aluminum with C-mount thread #2: middle piece is 1/16" printed circuit board #3: back piece is machined aluminum The

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