Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 15:27:48 EST 2004 | davef
In creating your solder balls, consider printing or dispensing solder paste on the pads of the LGA and then reflowing the paste.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 14:26:11 EST 2004 | nrocco
also the balls need to be lead free, just to make it more interesting.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 14:24:17 EST 2004 | nrocco
Im looking for equipment that can attach solder balls between the size 15-25 mils to the leads of a land grid array. There is also the posibility of attaching balls before leads are inserted into the socket. This is a little differant than attaching
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 23 08:49:08 EST 2004 | zanolli
Please contact me offline and I can discuss methods of attaching solder balls to stamped metals contacts �on the fly� while the contacts are still continuously oriented or in reel form. Regards Jim Zanolli Teka Interconnection Systems Phone: 401-785
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 18 09:25:42 EST 2004 | pjc
Vanguard is a ball placement machine. They are out on Long Island NY and manufactured by White Eagle Engineering. The contact person is Pete Heinzl 520-791-0239, pheinzl@whiteeagleeng.com
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 01 22:19:33 EST 2020 | sssamw
Solder ball attached on solder joint without violation minimum electrical clearance is acceptable. If your process parameter including stencil not changed, suggest you check if solder pasted being pushed out after IC placement, also check if solder j
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 06 11:57:12 EDT 2006 | Chunks
IPC 610 says acceptable Class 1 (Class 2, 3 indicator) if they are entrapped/encpsulated balls within 0.13mm of lands or pads. or exceed 0.13mm in diameter. Defect Class 1,2,3: Solder ball violates min electrical clearance. Solder balls not entrap
Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 11:24:33 EDT 2004 | Charly
Encounter solder ball crack after reflow, found the solder ball is out of shape after reflow, cross section view found that the solder mask opening is not good ( when we do comparason with diff. supplier substrate.) Does the solder mask shape will af
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 05 10:25:19 EST 2007 | slthomas
I always do tc attachment myself. I need these people not to hate me. :/
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 02 09:00:09 EDT 2007 | ck_the_flip
Steve, your best solderer in your shop will know that this ain't standard wire solder. I always put the best solderer on T/C attachment duty when I have a scrap PCB to play with. They even have difficulty getting the stuff to wet to pads and leads.