Electronics Forum: solder balls cleaning (Page 1 of 463)

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 19:27:27 EDT 2001 | eliishee

I have no choice, as per customer's request to remove the solder balls. Can i use water to clean away the solder ball since i'm using RMA solder paste not the water soluable paste.

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 19:36:09 EDT 2001 | steven

I hv no choice as per customer's request to remove the solder balls. Can i just use water to clean away the solder balls since i'm using RMA solder paste and not the water soluable paste?

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 02:09:50 EDT 2001 | winnifred

Steven, You CANNOT just use water to clean away the solder ball when u hv used RMA paste.

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 02:05:30 EDT 2001 | winnifred

Steve, To clean the RMA processed boards, u hv to make sure u talk to the supplier first, then get the right saponifier and do semi-aqueous cleaning.

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 10:35:34 EDT 2001 | slthomas

David, I've thought about doing this also with no clean boards that were poorly cleaned following a misprint (and subsequently reprinted, populated, and reflowed) but have shyed away because of the potential for damage to components from the ultraso

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 14:48:16 EDT 2001 | mparker

Just received "Circuits Assembly", July 2001 issue. An article regarding solder balls and aperture design, beginning on page 40. This DOE had aperture, reflow profile and no clean pastes (3 types) as attributes. It is advocated that a U-shaped a

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 06 18:17:34 EDT 2001 | davef

We find no solder balls after washing our boards. It works GREAT!!! ;-) Probably more to the point, look at "Circuits Assembly" 7/01, p 40, "Eliminating Solder Beads In No-Clean PCBs". "Solder mask type & composition are the greatest contributor t

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 15:49:33 EDT 2001 | Steve

The solder balls you are talking about are caused by too much paste. Reduce the size of the stencil aperatures. Concerning removing the solder balls, the first thing you need to ask yourself is, do I need to remove them. IPC-610, 12.4.10 states, "Ac

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 17:09:10 EDT 2001 | davef

Circuits Assembly magazine 09/99 "Defluxing with Ultrasonics" by Les Hymes. [There's more but I can't find it right now. I'll add to this as I find the junk, er very nice stuff.] J-STD-001C states that its OK to use ultrasonics for cleaning so lon

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 21:29:03 EDT 2001 | davef

Cleaning RMA with water is bad news. It will turn your solder connections white and remove none of the RMA residues. There was a thread on removing RMA within the past two weeks on SMTnet. Check the fine SMTnet Archives. Additionally, look at M

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