Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 16 03:06:36 EST 1999 | Wirat S.
| | Our spec on voids is 30% ball diameter in the center. On the component to ball and pad to ball interface, we use 25%. To determine this spec, we asked around. I don't know of any studies that have been done to verify if this is OK | | | | Regard
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 03:24:43 EST 2008 | reypal
I need some advise from those with experience on this component. We are facing soldering problem "pillow effect"(from cross section result)on this BGA. In the reflow profile point of view which area should we focused more? The soak time or the Total
Electronics Forum | Tue May 28 13:25:57 EDT 2002 | zanolli
Hello Anthony, The amount of solder that the process is capable of applying is the biggest limitation. I believe that solder paste is only approx. 50% metal by volume. When connectors are soldered in intrusive reflow, often the stencil is "overprint
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 20:39:27 EST 2010 | aungthura
Dear all I hope someone could have very useful idea for sockets soldered by machine either Reflow or Vapor.And, kindly advise me. Thanks in advance.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 08 15:37:41 EDT 2007 | ck_the_flip
Jim: I have limited knowledge, but here's what I know: 1. Yes, it's a standard process. In today's SMTNet, it's rarely mentioned, and few people reply to postings. 2. Nope. It's a "specialty" piece of equipment for most CEM's. Depending on you
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 15 09:13:41 EDT 2002 | davef
A near eutechtic alloy [ie, 63/37, 62/36/2, etc] would be fine. People print, place, and reflow millions of cermaic capacitors with these alloys every day.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 18 17:23:40 EDT 2008 | dkntb
Any member in here has experienced of copper migration from BGA's substrate to PWB during eutectic soldering reflow process, which resulted in brittle solder joints??? We have one customer notified us that our PBGA with DSOP substrate having copper m
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 04 17:52:59 EST 2002 | davef
Yes, providing the surface of the via is solderable. * If so, how much paste? => Vias come in various sizes. Boards vary in thickness. So, the amount of paste to fill a via varies. Roughly, you�ll need twice as much paste as the volume of the via
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 05 21:07:09 EDT 2012 | davef
Probably they had a problem with a certain product, tried baking, the problem went away and ever since there stuck with this money loosing process. So, ... * Write up a plan to split a couple of batches, bake a portion of each batch, don't bake the o
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 04 11:08:56 EST 2002 | Matt Kehoe
We have a customer that desires to have their via holes plugged with solder after assembly. Is it possible to add the via holes to the stencil and print paste into them and expect them to plug? If so, how much paste? One to one on the stencil opening