Electronics Forum: solder damage (Page 1 of 45)

BGA Pad damage

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 06:29:04 EST 2006 | bwet

See before cversus after pics on BGA pad repair here: http://solder.net/services/services_pad-repair.asp The "how to" instructions for traces (and pads) is here: http://solder.net/solderingtips/PadandTrace_Repair_Solder_Tip12.wmv The skill level

reflow temp/ic damage

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 22 20:37:48 EST 2002 | davef

Try: * Searching the fine SMTnet Archives. We have ground profiling, thermocouple attach, etc. to pulps. * Buying [ http://www.ipc.org ] IPC-7530 - Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering (Reflow and Wave)

reflow temp/ic damage

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 28 07:40:40 EST 2002 | cnotebaert

Yes and Yes, Your solder supplier should recomend a profile (standard profile) in most cases you can follow it. Of course you should be running a thermal profile of each board type to verify it is within the specified temp rang. You should also chec

Heat guns and component damage

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 22:27:16 EST 2006 | KEN

Many relays use soldered post coil terminatins inside the relay. In one case many years ago I found the SMT relay manufacturer used eutectic solder inside their hermetic relay. The SMT relay would fail because the solder balled up on the post, woul

Heat guns and component damage

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 15:51:04 EST 2006 | russ

Relays huh? I can tell you from previous experience that relays are not a good heat gun candidate. Did you check how long this part can withstand the 240? I do not know what the 4 setting is on a liester but it is probably well in excess of the 24

Heat guns and component damage

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 08:12:04 EST 2006 | Chunks

OK, this is easy. You say HIGH fall out, so I can assume 25 or 50%? If so, run 10 without the heat gun and 10 with. This should show you if the heat gun process is the cause or not. If the relay is a surface mount, hand solder them on. If it's a

Heat guns and component damage

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 15:40:44 EST 2006 | mgdrouin1

Comp is relay. I've pulled the spec. Max 240. Using Leister h/g with manual temp settings from 1-6 (20 - 600C)set by the operator. Gun was set to setting 4. They are using the heat gun to reflow the solder after SMT but before wave. High fai

solder crack

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 20:42:54 EDT 2002 | davef

Comments [questions] are: * It�s strange that an uggie ol� SOIC, 50 pitch, BIG honkin� solder pad, kinda thang is failing. Sumpin aint kosher, yano? * Where is the failure occurring [ie, lead to pad, pad to board, etc]? Talk about the breadth and di

solder strength

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 10:51:04 EDT 2005 | Slaine

an X-ray fluroscope XRF will tell u if there is any lead in it in seconds, without damaging it.

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 17:09:10 EDT 2001 | davef

Circuits Assembly magazine 09/99 "Defluxing with Ultrasonics" by Les Hymes. [There's more but I can't find it right now. I'll add to this as I find the junk, er very nice stuff.] J-STD-001C states that its OK to use ultrasonics for cleaning so lon

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