Electronics Forum: solder flux manufacturer in india (Page 1 of 2)

Re: Bottomside smt falling off in wave in only voc-free flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 15 12:03:27 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Has anyone had issues where bottomside double reflowed smt has fallen off in the wave when using voc-free flux? I have verified the hotter profile was not the issue by using an alcohol based flux with no problems.This voc-free flux is also not caus

Moisture absorption in the solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 10:25:09 EST 2005 | Amol

where in india are you laxman? and what kind of manufacturing are you involved in?

Moisture absorption in the solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 22:03:33 EST 2005 | laxman

Hi Amol, We are in South part of India.basically we are basically EMS providercatering to the needs of our Overseas customer and partiallytodomestic market. We are also providing complete manufacturing solutions including cable harness, enclosure as

Voids in every Lead-free BGA solder Joint

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 22 15:59:43 EST 2002 | GSW

What type of reflow profile are you using ? There is a void reduction profile recommeded by some paste manufacturers, Try that it might help. Did you check the components or the board and see if they have absorbed mositure ? try baking the boards and

Foam in inline wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 21 09:23:35 EDT 2024 | alishakihn

Good morning! I'm sorry to hear about the anomalies you're experiencing with your inline wash. Dealing with foaming issues can be challenging, but I'll do my best to provide some suggestions to help you troubleshoot the problem. 1. Check the Water Q

Manufacturing in China, Revisited

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 22:51:07 EDT 2004 | KEN

I feel it is less pressure from consumers and more from stock holder increased demands for dividends. Every quaters end our publicly traded customers go bezerk on increased orders to show increased finished goods and less component inventory. All t

Voiding in LGA (LT) soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 01 06:18:05 EDT 2010 | grahamcooper22

Dear SMT Manufacturer, As moisture is eliminated as the cause then solder paste volume will probably be the main contributing factor. More paste means more chance of solder balls and more flux fumes that need to be evaporated to reduce voiding. Even

Voiding in LGA (LT) soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 07:50:27 EDT 2010 | sachu_70

Just to add to my comments,solder joint voids do occur in LGA. Voids in LGA can be larger due to geometry and greater ratio of flux to solder. IPC-A-610D specifies a greater than 25% voided area is a defect for BGA, however, it does not specify the d

Solder particals in the oven?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 05 13:21:11 EDT 2002 | Hussman69

That's OK, as long as you didn't say breading, I knew what you meant. Well, for a quick fix try placing Kapton tape over the gold. It's not a cure, but gets you product. Next try putting a couple of non-screen printed boards thru the oven and se

High Volume PCB Rework in INDIA, CHINA?

Electronics Forum | Sun May 28 23:43:35 EDT 2017 | claire_08

Hi. We provide rework and repair of printed circuit boards to companies all over the world. Key services: BGA Rework Services. BGA Reballing Services. BGA X-Ray Services, Consulting Services. Advanced Technologies R & D Support Services. Hand Sol

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