Electronics Forum: solder iron temperature verification (Page 1 of 16)

high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 14:40:31 EDT 1999 | Carol Zhang

I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first, there will be no p

Re: high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 15:39:59 EDT 1999 | Carol Zhang

| I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board | first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first, there will b

Re: high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 08:48:16 EDT 1999 | Carol Zhang

| | I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board | | first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first, there wi

Re: high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 16:48:57 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board | first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first, there will b

Re: high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 10:08:48 EDT 1999 | Glenn Robertson

| | | | I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board | | | | first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first,

Re: high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 08:26:03 EDT 1999 | Carol Zhang

| | | I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board | | | first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first, ther

Re: high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 16:57:02 EDT 1999 | Glenn Robertson

| | I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board | | first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first, there wi

Manual soldering - solder wire diameter and soldering iron tip size for different component sizes

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 16 05:05:32 EDT 2013 | stivais

We recently had a discussion with customer's QM - he claims that calculations for a proper solder wire diameter and soldering iron tip size (and temperature) have to be performed and documented for all manual (T/H) solderings (based on component size

Solder bath temperature

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 01:00:47 EST 2017 | soldertraining

Soldering Bath - When we need to tin high-power contacts or a lot of wires, for example, in making harnesses, a regular soldering iron is either impossible to use due to the high thermal capacitance requirement, or takes way too long to perform the t

Pre heat temperature in Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 14:39:18 EST 2003 | Dean

How do you know your profiler is correct? Do you have a pyrometer you can verif the PCB temp with?

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