Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 08 04:27:55 EST 2011 | thomas111
hi, I am a Hardware designer . One of my products is undergoing a Reliability test in which a resistor shows a high value on board from its specified value .However it retains the original value when its cooled under room temperature. The resistor
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 14:58:06 EDT 2014 | rgduval
If it has been determined that it is definitely the relays (and not some other circuit device), you'll want to get the vendor/manufacturer involved for some failure analysis. They'll cut open the components, and try to figure out what's going on in
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 12:24:56 EST 2004 | swagner
Paul, do you have any kind of false failure data for the application you struggled with? Also what amount of manpower did you use to operate the system(s).
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 17:47:22 EST 2002 | davef
Oooo, pix, coo!!! Yes, that solder connection has been beat-up. It is very �old�. So, your customer is seeing failures, correct? I can believe it. I want to say the solder in your connections doesn�t stand a chance, but lack experience in this a
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 25 09:45:39 EDT 2019 | edhare
See also ... https://www.semlab.com/solder-joint-failure-modes/
Electronics Forum | Fri May 31 05:54:09 EDT 2019 | dhanish
What are the common cause for solder joint crack after the pcba go through Temperature cycling test ?We have seen failure on solder joint for the memory part.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 28 08:17:21 EDT 2003 | davef
We form a barrier to contain the dye, but regardless it is messy. Actually, we no longer use dye, per say. We use the stuff machinists use for staining metal. Look here for hints: * http://www.ivf.se/Elektronik/dye_penetrant/edefault.htm * http:
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 08 23:04:26 EDT 2022 | SMTA-64387544
Au thickness of 0.125 um should not cause solder joint embrittlement. Also, PCB fab should offer Au thickness range between 0.05-0.075 um for better process control and reliability. Higher Au thickness may suggest black pads leading to solder joints
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 01 07:22:40 EDT 2019 | edhare
Just the opposite, reducing the standoff increases the shear strain range in temperature cycling, which lowers the number of cycles to failure.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 01 10:14:30 EST 2005 | davef
East coast, solder connection failure analysis labs in the vacinity of New England are: * American Competitiveness Institute, Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility, One International Plaza - Suite 150, Philadelphia, PA 19113(610) 362-1200 F