Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 26 11:19:58 EST 2008 | vladig
I don't think you can find any specs on that. As long as a solder joint can not be broken by virtually "blowing over it" any reading on the UTS, or shear strength can be very confusing. You can specify, though that the assembly (joint) should withsta
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 26 09:16:59 EST 2008 | barryg
Hello everyone, after a short layoff I am glad to be back. I have a question. I have a button (snap button) that is being soldered to a strip of sac coated copper. We are questioning the joint strength of this from our vendor as we see these popping
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 03:02:35 EDT 2013 | autoel
How to test the reflow solder joint shear strength? What are the specification to test solder joint shear strength? What are the different methods to test the solder joint shear strength? Vijayashree
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 15:40:17 EDT 2013 | davef
Shear tests are [in my opinion] senseless. The shear stress you measure depends more on the shear rate and on the point where the force is applied than on the grain structure. When shearing a component, you not only apply shear stress, but also roll
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 17:32:07 EDT 2005 | toromaster
we also have a need to measure the solder bond strength of our gull wing parts on our pwb. there are many published comparisons between eutectic SnPb and no Pb solders out there. the number that comes to mind is about 10N to 15N. I have not looked
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 24 19:17:43 EST 2005 | EA
Hi, We are running the automotive product and question was throw to us how do we ensure that our solder joint are good enough after reflow.....and during the sealant process, there's a bit of bend on the nozzle and it toughes the component and custo
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 16:07:24 EST 2005 | Dreamsniper
If there's no shear strength standard for solder joint, how will I define my pad width and length then. I have a 8.5 mils width and my component lead width is 8.66 mils based on manufacturer's minimum width specification. How will I identify that it
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 18 11:01:26 EDT 2004 | DenisM
I have had similar problems and my customers have had this too. A two story drop test was made by one of my customers and they found that changing Sn63 solder to Sn62 solder made a significant impact. There is no real downside other than a slightly
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 16:46:03 EST 2005 | chunks
There is no spec because solder is designed to provide an electrical connection not a mechanical connection to hold the part on. If it where mechanical we�d be welding our parts on. Your pad width and length are derived from your component manufact
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 03:18:01 EDT 2004 | Joseph
Dear all, Recently our customer complaint that some components being came off from the pcba after dropping test.But the curious is, the leads show visible solder fillet covering more than 75% of termination area on pad, which is acceptable as per IP