Electronics Forum: solder mask bleed out (Page 1 of 37)

solder mask thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 11:35:15 EST 2019 | dilogic

Just out of curiosity - what is the rationale behind specifying mask thicknes?

Re: solder mask wrinkles

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 16:59:58 EDT 1999 | Carol Zhang

Hi, thank you for the idea. I may try solder iron, but it much more slower since I have to solder spacers one by one. a stimpson press is used to press the spacer on the board and the edges of the spacers are rolled. Then we solder the edges to

Re: solder mask wrinkles

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 19:25:40 EDT 1999 | Jeff Sanchez

Carol, I think the guys are right about you stand off problem but I want to address the wrinkleing of your masking. Although I think the temps you are subjecting the board to are very high and more than likely creating problems of their own. I th

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 15 05:45:15 EDT 1999 | Brian

Boca, Dave Sorry, but I cannot let this go. I'll go along with you that, at the time that the Montreal Protocol was initially signed (September 1987), there was no scientific proof that CFCs etc. were causing ozone depletion. There was, however, ve

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 13 10:39:25 EDT 1999 | Boca

| | | | | | (snip) | | | | | | | | You're quite right. However, anyone who uses MeCl in an aerosol spray needs his head examining. I'll go further: if he continues, he will most CERTAINLY need his head, the rest of his CNS and his liver examining a

Solder mask

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 09 10:06:18 EST 2009 | boardhouse

Hi Konrad, Nothing is ever Clearly one persons issue. Color differences could be caused by many things. 1) Being the solder mask is a two part mix, there is never a 100% guarantee that the color will be the same from lot to lot. 2)the Manufactur

Solder mask

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 12:54:11 EST 2009 | boardhouse

Emil, Part of the problem it sounded like is that the color was not clearly defined as light or dark in Matte or gloss. Your example of car paint would have the same issue if you just ask them to paint your car green. What color of green would y

Solder mask

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 02 16:52:16 EST 2009 | boardhouse

Hi, From a Manufactures choice - Green is the best due to it is the most commonly used mask color in the industry & cheapest. Kind a like Red paint for Barns. For US shops, most only have one LPI machine and to continually switch from Green to othe

kapton dots and liquid solder mask

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 11:56:01 EDT 2005 | Rob

We sometimes use a peelable mask the the PCB manufacturer (board house) adds as part of their process. It may seem an expensive option but avoids: Raising P/o's for tape/peelable mask as consumables booking & inspection Booking out to the shop floo

Kester 2331-zx flux streaking solder mask

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 13:00:20 EST 2010 | 18424

Thanks Dennis, The fact that someone other than myself has experienced this is good to hear. Solder mask type should be spec'd all the same through out the many board suppliers we use but its worth the check.I have checked with kester but am still aw

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