Electronics Forum: solder mask defined (Page 1 of 177)

Solder mask vs non solder mask defined pads

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 16:03:17 EST 2021 | SMTA-64387124

Does anyone see any issues in mixing SMD and NSMD pads within one BGA footprint. We have high current pads which we want to make SMD and the other signal pads to be NSMD

Solder mask vs non solder mask defined pads

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 09 16:53:06 EST 2021 | SMTA-64387083

The size of the pad changes among the two. A solder mask defined pad will always be larger than a copper defined by your mask expansion setting. This will affect paste volume, if your standard paste aperture is designed for copper defined pads you m

Solder mask vs non solder mask defined pads

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 29 16:17:13 EST 2021 | donnie15

The impact is low on larger pitches and pad sizes. as things get to the .4mm pitch the pad differences start affect your ball size and yields. The trace size going into the pads and the solder mask relief can cause some odd shaped pads with signif

solder mask onto pad or pad defined by solder mask?

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 19:50:34 EST 2004 | shen_zte

can anyone tell me the benifit of the solder mask onto pad(part) or pad defined by solder mask?and how to excute the SMT process ? thanks.

solder mask onto pad or pad defined by solder mask?

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 08:42:37 EST 2004 | mattkehoe

We had some bad experiences trying to work with soldermask defined BGA pads. If the opening in the soldermask is right to the edge of the copper/pad without a space it can leave reside on the pad and nothing will stick to it. See http://www.sipad.com

solder mask onto pad or pad defined by solder mask?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 07:46:42 EST 2004 | davef

We did this for BGA pads, but have not thought about other types. So, this may or may not apply for those. Pad defined by:||Advantages||Disadvantages Non-solder mask||No point-of-stress concentration at edge mask and solder ball||Smaller pads have

solder mask peel off

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 20 01:38:53 EST 2019 | ajspec

Hi, i'm facing solder mask peel off but limited to the solder defined pad only(opening area). no peel off on the other area and it happened on electroless nickel immersion gold finishing only. for other finishing is not affected. kindly advise if you

Solder mask

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 12:54:11 EST 2009 | boardhouse

Emil, Part of the problem it sounded like is that the color was not clearly defined as light or dark in Matte or gloss. Your example of car paint would have the same issue if you just ask them to paint your car green. What color of green would y

solder mask

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 09 04:15:33 EDT 1999 | Jacqueline Coia

I am having cleaning problems when processing PCB's which have TAIYO solder mask on them. After processing, hand soldering and cleaning, a sticky residue is remains, resulting in a cosmetically poor finish with tide marks etc. Other soldermasks do no

kapton dots and liquid solder mask

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 10:38:45 EDT 2005 | SuMoTe

Water soluable dots will wash off after reflow. A water soluable liquid mask will work as well. dots are better for defined (round)holes, whereas the liquid mask works well with odd shapes.

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