Electronics Forum: solder on enig from reflow[0] (Page 1 of 2)

solder on gold finger

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 13 12:37:35 EDT 2001 | edylc

>>> gold finger was covered by a Kapton tape and it was done offline away from the Screen printer or rather from the SMT lines itself, we are using an ENIG Pcb's , the process doesnt need a wave soldering ....however at the final end of the line ,

62sn36sn2ag on gold terminations?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 13 06:57:10 EDT 2003 | davef

Your vendor site is totally correct. 2Ag is an excellent solder, but it does nothing to prevent tin and gold from reacting chemically. An earlier poster is correct gold goes into solution in liquid solder very fast, less than a second. Gold and ti

Bga replacement on ENIG Fabs.

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 29 09:28:24 EDT 2003 | russ

Why would you get black pad from rework? I could be wrong but once the pad has accepted solder from the first reflow process wouldn't that eliminate the possibility of a latent finish defect? I am curious. We do perform rework on ENIG all of the tim

Tented vias on ENIG boards

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 05 09:49:11 EST 2006 | Cmiller

We have been using ENIG for 8 years as our primary board finish. We have not seen any issues with tenting the vias. We have used a number of suppliers. The ENIG from China does not seem to solder quite as well in general but only had black pad from o

Bga replacement on ENIG Fabs.

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 08:54:52 EDT 2003 | davef

You are 100% correctomundo about ENIG. When it's good it's good, BUT when it's bad, you just want something else. You know you have black pad, when you see parts falling from the board. First, there is not perfect solderability protection. Second

Gold Surface Finish on PCB's

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 08 01:05:34 EST 2005 | Mike_Kennedy

Our new PCB supplier can give us a 20% price reduction if we convert from an ENIG finish to a FLASH gold finish. My uderstanding between the two is as follows: ENIG - Nickel is plated over copper and then immersed in Gold which forms a self limited f

Poor soldering on fine pitch?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 23:26:28 EDT 2006 | Shawn Vike

We are a small company, reletivly new to doing our own SMT (1 year) and we are having an issue, I think. We manufacture many board with no problems, but we have one that constently defeats us. This particular PCB has ENIG finish, and we have had th

Solderability testing on blank ENIG pcb's.

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 09:25:54 EST 2011 | kevinemslie

We have had an issue where a turnkey company has a solderability issue with boards that we supplied. The most thorough way of proving thay the boards work in my opinion is to take a bare panel randomly from the batch (same date code) to have it paste

soldering and bonding on gold PCB's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 15:24:49 EST 2002 | mregalia

Thanks Chris. As I was writing my last message our mailperson dropped off the latest issue of Circuit Assembly. It has an article on mixing SMT and COB on the same board. The author recommends as a compromise 10-20 micro inches of gold over 70-100 of

Difference Gold Plating electrolytic and ENIG with on BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 07 02:38:20 EDT 2011 | aungthura

I didn't know the difference for BGA. We found solderability probelm as show in attach.Then, we called to PCB maker and they said that it could be caused because of PCB finishing. Do you agree this probelm was happend because of PCB finishing? Unfor

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