Electronics Forum: solder paste brand (Page 1 of 689)

ideal solder paste viscosity

Electronics Forum | Thu May 14 08:17:00 EDT 2015 | emeto

I am pretty sure that will vary on the paste manufacturer. Using different amount and composition of flux will give you some different viscosity. I evaluated different solder paste brands before and I can tell you that some of them are very runny com

Rejuvenated solder paste

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 18 15:23:05 EST 2004 | grayman

We used to add flux on a "expired" solder paste but we discontinued as there are many problems and customers complaints coming from our American customer. Like unwetted solder pads,dull and cold solder and many others. The profit is really ok but qua

solder paste measurement machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 01:42:56 EDT 2007 | Haris

Hi, yes may be 3d is slow but it gives you great results as it shows the height while 2d picture shows error when the paste in your machine appears to end i.e. when it see that the pad starts to appear. I don't know which company brand you prefer but

solder paste measurement machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 19:06:08 EDT 2007 | grayman

In short this guys are not well updated on the new technology of SPI. True, 3D IN LINE SPI is no longer a slow machine. Try checking some brand like Cyberoptics,Synapse imaging,SEIMENS,KOHYOUNG and many others...they can match the speed os some mount

stencil/printing machines for solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 14:10:55 EST 2015 | mbartel

Any one screen printer manufacture stand out over others? We are also 100% lead free, I use Kester solder paste. Is this a good brand compared to other brands?

stencil/printing machines for solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 13 03:01:57 EST 2015 | eniac

Yes, Kester it's a very good brand in solder materials. I use Kester solder paste and cored wire 10 years - and I naven't any problems. About screen printers - check information about SJ Inno Tech equipment. This is South Korea brand, I have a 4 pri

How to choose a new solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 07:09:23 EDT 2011 | mbnetto

Thanks everybody for the answers. I already chose 3 differents solder paste brands. And, how many boards it's necessary to perform these evaluation tests to have a reliable result? 20, 50, 100 boards?? Thanks.

Opinion/references about *KAIT brand for Wave Soldering machine (KTU-350)

Electronics Forum | Mon May 17 13:43:32 EDT 2021 | kumarb

We are also in the market for wave soldering system but review if they are the manufacturer. Many just resell the product. Check Jaguar who is a manufacturer. Also note the solder pot size and the cost of the solder. Did not know about your vendor

Opinion/references about *KAIT brand for Wave Soldering machine (KTU-350)

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 17:55:49 EDT 2021 | francoabelli

Hello, This is Franco Belli. I am looking for opinion/references for the brand *KAIT. We are about to purchase the KTU-350 wave soldering machine whose specs look good enough. I wanted to know if any of you worked with this company before and, even

Opinion/references about *KAIT brand for Wave Soldering machine (KTU-350)

Electronics Forum | Mon May 17 13:40:52 EDT 2021 | francoabelli

NObody? nobody used it?

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