Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 20 20:57:26 EST 2023 | hi_fonsi
We have a PARMI SigmaX SPI (Solder Paste Inspection) machine, right now I'm trying to understand about parameters of the machine. I know minimus, Maximus, and warning values need to be defined. Height value understands that can be defined by the thic
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 13:25:38 EST 2008 | evtimov
I am printing on DEKs and using simulara paramateres as for a solder it works really fine. In general going faster gives you more paste/glue. Less pressure gives you more paste/glue again. All the rest depends on your current board. Regards, Emil
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 19 10:18:17 EDT 2023 | majdi4
Hello Luis , see the attached photo ( and it is applicable for stencils 100µm thick )
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 20 22:39:46 EST 2003 | davef
Hi Stevo, Most paste suppliers say something like, �above 183*C for 45 to 60 seconds.� The problem we have with statements like that is that they seem to assume that the pads, component leads, and solder paste are all near eutectic 60/40 solder. A
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 12:11:31 EDT 2023 | wippsen
Hi there, if there is insufficient Volume you may optimize the design of your stencil. Its not the goal to decrease the tolerances. Take the PCB and take a look at the printing Shapes with microscope or use the zoom in 3D Function. If there is too l
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 27 16:54:47 EST 2002 | davef
STARTING RANGES * Pressure � 1 pound/inch of blade (metal); 1.6-3 pound/inch (plastic) * Speed - 0.5 to 3 inch per sec [for standard pitch]; 0.5 to 1 inch per sec [for fine pitch] Your paste supplier�s recommendation is a good place to start. * Sepa
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 05:06:12 EDT 1999 | FMung
Hello, Can any netters suggest what critical parameters should be considered & what are there assoicated impacts for a solder paste printing process ... B.Regards, Felix
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 20 17:42:45 EST 2003 | jonfox
Double check the data sheets for your paste. Just as an example, ou Indium paste has a recommendation for the Heating, Liquidus, and Cooling stagees of reflow. They recommend a linear ramp up of 0.5 to 1.0 degree C. In the Liquidus stage, a peak t
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 11:28:46 EST 2008 | clampron
Good Morning, I have an application that we are tooling up for that has several LGA (Land Grid Array) components. The Gerber files from the customer has a solder paste definition of 1:1 to the pad. As I look at this part, I cannot believe that this
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 22 14:53:50 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave
Hi I thought I would come back to this one for a second. Joe Fox above gave a nice concise note as to why you must raise the temp high enough above the soldering melting temp (liquidus) yet not too high. You want to go high enough for paste so tha