Electronics Forum: solder paste last when printing on pcb (Page 1 of 2)

Solder Spotting on Gold

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 06 09:51:20 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis

This text may be of interest to any one with tin lead spots Guide to Solder Spots - A New Plague in Manufacture ? So what are solder spots ? They appear to be the next big problem in modern reflow assembly in fact in any process that involves solder

BGA footprint on PCB

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 25 20:37:14 EDT 2001 | davef

You are 100% correctamundo that the pad on PCB should be the same as the pad on the BGA interposer, but let�s not expend that thinking to the aperture of your solder paste stencil, right away. Generally, paste on large pitch BGA is often 1:1, but as

Re: Solder on GF

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 10:58:25 EDT 1999 | Upinder Singh

| | Hi All, | | Does any one experienced the solder on gold finger after | | reflow. Its about 5 to 8 mils diameter . | | We'd clean the entire screen printer, mounter & reflow as well, | | but doesn't help much. | | | | | Mr Kong..... | | Solder

Re: Solder on GF

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 11:36:56 EDT 1999 | Jimmy Strain

| | | Hi All, | | | Does any one experienced the solder on gold finger after | | | reflow. Its about 5 to 8 mils diameter . | | | We'd clean the entire screen printer, mounter & reflow as well, | | | but doesn't help much. | | | | | | | | Mr Kong..

Poor soldering on fine pitch?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 14 11:37:44 EDT 2006 | shawnvike

find the problem? Were the parts failing > electrically? Or did someone start prying them > and decide they were too weak? Originally found the problem going through some older assemblies that had failed testing. Poked at leads and found them no

LGA component rework process on SRT machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 11:54:22 EDT 2021 | cbart

We do this quote often with our older Summit machine. there are a few ways to do this. all of these are assuming you have parts on the boards already and are working around them. 1- if you have a good tech that can add solder to the pads on the PCB a

Re: Detecting lifted leads on QFPs

Electronics Forum | Sun May 30 08:50:42 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Yes l know this problem keeps cropping up on the forum but l've missed some of the follow-ups. | | Our problem is that the lifting only occurs on 3% of production so actually detecting an improvement is difficult. We're actually having to inspect

Re: Tin-Lead thickness on PWB's/Let's Hear More

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 07:25:58 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Hey yooze guys! | Enough of the jokes between you and Earl (GRIN), let's get back to the topic...well, okay... you can tell a few more...(but good ones, 'kay?) | Anyhoo...I'm not sure if ya'll are on the IPC Technet list or not, I've not seen any p

Re: Tin-Lead thickness on PWB's/Let's Hear More

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 05:43:33 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Hey yooze guys! | Enough of the jokes between you and Earl (GRIN), let's get back to the topic...well, okay... you can tell a few more...(but good ones, 'kay?) | Anyhoo...I'm not sure if ya'll are on the IPC Technet list or not, I've not seen any p

I mounted the parts on the buck-boost DCDC converter and measured the characteristics

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 03:29:37 EDT 2022 | samhe

I received a buck-boost DCDC board with an optical sensor from NextPCB, so I mounted the components and measured the efficiency. Table of contents Board received from NextPCB Solder paste printing Mounting of parts Reflow operation check Attaching

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