Electronics Forum: solder paste price 6oz cartridge (Page 1 of 1)

Solder paste transfer from jar to cartridge

Electronics Forum | Tue May 11 08:21:16 EDT 2010 | nrw

Hello, I am in the process of setting up processes for a low volume SMT line for internal prototype production, where a 500g jar of solder paste would last weeks. Our distributors only seem to want to supply 500g jars (anything else is significantl

solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 09 03:34:06 EST 2009 | cunningham

Sorry i wasnt very clear we already have a Malcolm sps-1 for our tubs but to move over to cartridges we need a machine to do that none of those machines are capable of mixing a 6 oz cartridge

Solder paste in Syringe vs Jar

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 06 10:17:45 EST 2002 | davef

In order from best, better, good * Lowest purchase price: cartridge, jar, syringe * Ease of inventory control: cartridge, jar, syringe * Flexibility of use: jar, syringe, cartridge * Ability to dispense by hand or machine: syringe * Cost to get paste


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