Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 08:01:42 EST 2006 | INGE
We have a new SMT line, our customers are asking us the validation of the process. Not only the validation of the resulting assembled board (solder joint...) but also a validation of every single machine in the line (ex. stencil printer...). For exam
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 02:46:16 EST 2006 | INGE
It isn't an FDA validation. I think Steve has centered the problem. I have already defined all the steps and all the procedures of the process, but now I must run X boards, Y times, through each piece of equipment (as he said before); the question is
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 10:49:38 EST 2006 | slthomas
Defining failure modes will help determine what you need to quantify in all processes. Personally I wouldn't pursue the DoE angle (varying setup parameters to determine robustness). 1)How about % pad coverage, paste thickness, and accuracy? Define w
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 10:32:37 EST 2006 | amol_kane
you could do a capability analysis on the printer.....setup the printer with your print parameters and select a metric (say paste volume deposited) and find out Cp and Cpk values
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 12:17:47 EST 2006 | mafc65
As Russ say, you can buy kits from Practical components and make your tries, the send those pcb's to your solder paste vendor for analysis.I am using Senju Lead free solder and I send boards to them then they cut the board and analyze your solder con
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 09:58:05 EDT 2011 | davef
Pressure printing systems Conventional stencil printing techniques have fundamental limitations as regards paste handling: The volume of paste available for printing is limited, so frequent replenishment is necessary Paste is difficult to c
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 08 16:21:37 EST 2011 | nevercry14
Cannot zero set machine actuator problem need help.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 08:29:51 EST 2011 | nevercry14
Found y sterper motor not working .nthanks for the info.
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 08 18:27:50 EST 2011 | dekhead
Not a lot of info; first thought is 12VDC - PSU, breaker, fuse http://www.dekhead.com
Electronics Forum | Mon May 12 11:59:12 EDT 2008 | vms
todd the best answer is this" don't use the dispenser it will waste to much solder paste" Harry