Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 27 16:54:47 EST 2002 | davef
STARTING RANGES * Pressure � 1 pound/inch of blade (metal); 1.6-3 pound/inch (plastic) * Speed - 0.5 to 3 inch per sec [for standard pitch]; 0.5 to 1 inch per sec [for fine pitch] Your paste supplier�s recommendation is a good place to start. * Sepa
Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 08:52:42 EDT 2011 | davef
Phil Zarrow wrote a useful paper that could help in evaluating paste. Here read it ... Evaluating Solder Paste � Not An Option Contributed by Phil Zarrow of ITM an Independent SMT consulting firm With soldering being the dominant source of assembly
Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 08:00:14 EDT 1999 | Timothy O'Neill
| | | | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so
Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 14:42:58 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea
| | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so I wi
Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 07:53:48 EDT 1999 | Timothy O'Neill
| | | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so I
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 06 08:18:19 EDT 2011 | don7888
Hi Has anyone managed to accurately produce a spreadsheet or formula that will accurately calculate the amount of boards your SMT line will produce an hour. I work in a high mix low volume industry and we are constantly taking on new jobs but have n
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 13:28:06 EDT 2001 | slthomas
I've been wondering if I was the only person thinking this. There are so many print parameters that are programmable now on new machines (squeegee pressure, height, speed, snap-off settings, cleaning intervals) that the process would (in my oh-so-hu
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 21:42:33 EST 1999 | Jon Medernach
What's important in stencil printing (which differs from screen printing) is providing a consistant volume of paste at each interconnect. The process window varies in proportion to the pitch. More than 60% of all defects are related to solder depos
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 21 04:39:45 EDT 2012 | brotakul
I am using different equipements for SPI such as Koh Young and Cyber Optics machines. I am looking for implementing a general procedure (SWP) for setting LSL's and USL's on the products on which the customer does not specify any limits on the solder
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 23:59:44 EDT 2018 | gaintstar
Flason SMT problem solving: http://www.flason-smt.com/new/PRINCIPLE-OF-SURFACE-MOUNT-PROCESS-SMT-PROCESS.html http://www.flason-smt.com/new/Printed-Circuit-Board-PCB-Price-Estimator.html http://www.flason-smt.com/new/Printed-Circuit-Board-Solder-res