Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 15 10:43:44 EDT 2003 | yngwie
Why is it people still prefer to do manual stirring of solder paste versus automated solder paste softener ? I learned that one of the dis-advantage of using the softener is that this method is actually seperating the metal and flux. Is there any oth
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 16 03:16:11 EDT 2003 | emeto
Hi,what exactly means automated solder paste softener? Explain me please and I promise to try answer you correctly.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 18 19:27:29 EDT 2003 | yngwie
Under web search you type solder paste softener. It is meant to replace manual stiring process of solder paste prior use. I heard that the spinner/softener is no use as it will seperate the flux and metal content during the spinning process. But, I h
Electronics Forum | Mon May 17 14:14:36 EDT 2004 | cg
Or is solder quality better with automated mixing?
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 00:18:08 EDT 2004 | Garian
Since you have used malcom softener, did you encounter and sudden rise of void level in the solder joints as compared to manual stirring?
Electronics Forum | Mon May 17 15:14:12 EDT 2004 | solderpro
Agree with Joe 100%, we recently brought one in from Malcolm for trial, this company had not practiced viscosity reading or anything in the process, the trail run was a great improvement in print, consistancy, deposition and formation of the solder b
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 19 10:45:43 EDT 2003 | Joe
Yngwie, In a previous life, I used a mixer made by Malcolm and was very happy with it. We used Alpha 609 WS paste and experienced no separation problems. The Malcolm equipment agitated the material in a non-concentric motion which tends to "fold
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 01:11:06 EST 2006 | pavel_murtishev
Good morning, Solder paste softeners are designed to allow solder paste reach ambient temperature during shorter time period (only 5-10 minutes instead of hours). You are preparing your material in right way. No reason to worry. BR, Pavel
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 00:45:41 EDT 2005 | pavel_murtishev
Good morning, I can recommend to use solder paste softeners, which can prepare solder paste for printing process. Softeners rise paste temperature by means of pseudo-planetary motion. Therefore, solder paste reaches room temperature during only 15
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 10 09:06:47 EST 2009 | stepheniii
Just how cold do you store your paste? And what are your solder paste reps like? Here they fall over each other giving support for their paste. And have you seen the problem with flux separation or have you only heard about it?