Electronics Forum: solder paste stencil thickness (Page 1 of 222)

0603 - stencil thickness

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 04 09:02:17 EST 2003 | davef

Q1. What is the recommended stencil thickness to apply the proper amount of solder for 0603 components? A1. The proper amount of solder is determined by: * Metal content of the solder paste. * Stencil thickness. * Aperture opening. * Other factors,

estimate solder thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 10:38:34 EDT 2011 | davef

Boots: Here's several methods for guessing at the amount of solder on your connection: * First, 'Down & Dirty' ** Assume that the solder is flat, which is reasonable since it's 'flattened' by the component package ** Assume 100% paste transfer from t

Thickness of solder paste from stencil

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 10 11:45:08 EDT 2002 | mwoodall

We measure the thickness of solder paste printed onto PCBs as a control of the printing process. Generally 6 thou stencils are used and give between 6.2 and 6.8 thou. What thicknesses do other users get? Cheers! Mark

Thickness of solder paste from stencil

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 10 13:20:36 EDT 2002 | barryg

I am curious how you measure your printed paste thickness. We are considering doing the same. As it is now we assure we have squeegee pressure and speed controlled, have not actually measure the printed paste thickness.

Thickness of solder paste from stencil

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 10 22:35:59 EDT 2002 | davef

How do you assure you "have squeegee pressure and speed controlled"? Search the fine SMTnet Archives for background on measuring paste thickness.

Thickness of solder paste from stencil

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 04:03:28 EDT 2002 | mwoodall

The Alpha metals Hi Check 500 is used to measure paste deposit thickness. The paste height is found from a micrometer reading determined by focussing a beam of light on a track adjacent to a paste deposit and then onto the solder paste. I've measure

Stencil thickness

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 27 22:39:55 EDT 2009 | rajeshwara

The same issue i faced 2 yrs before , i sugest 1. Use stencil of 4 mils ( Take care of Aspect Ratio and Area Ratio ). 2. Use Solder Paste of Type 4.5 and Viscosity in between 1100 to 1300. ( Try Solder Paste of Cookson or Alpha metals : OM338 T45-L

Thickness of solder paste from stencil

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 10:14:05 EDT 2002 | BTaylor

We use the ASC vision master 212, our customers wanted a height and volume measurement rather than an inspector doing a visual. We have added this machine to our process, checking height on many preprogrammed locations then this generates a X bar and

0603 - stencil thickness

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 12:01:46 EST 2003 | jax

Alot of the companies out there use Standards developed internally, centered around there paste, equipment, and reflow processes. Normally you will see either 5mil or 6mil stencils used for everything in house with the exceptions of specific boards.(

0603 - stencil thickness

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 11:42:38 EST 2003 | soupatech

Hi, I am loading a new board with mostly 0603 packages. The pads are .5 mm apart and I am having a big problem with parts shifting towards eachother instead of centering on the pads. I believe this is caused by too much solder. I am using a 7mil sten

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