Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 14:45:14 EST 2000 | Hoyt Moore
Does anybody know how to remove solder mask from pads that were masked over.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 06 17:02:40 EST 2003 | Kris
Try alpha fry technologies. http://www.frymetals.com/manufacturing/solder_reclain1.html
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 06 15:10:55 EST 2003 | vortex
My company is looking into selling off our old solder paste, Is there anyone who currently does this and can offer some comparitive prices/pound.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 15:01:50 EST 2000 | Brian E. Steelglove
A sharp knife and a steady hand. Sorry that is the only way I know because I have had to do it. Brian E. Steelglove
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 07 14:52:09 EST 2003 | caldon
Any company reclaiming desired metals will be interested. Some of the companies also take used PCB's for the metal content. It is not very profitable but does help. Metal reclaim companies can be found on the net. One company that might be interested
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 16:46:44 EST 2000 | Dennis O'Donnell
Several methods work well. 1. (Low Volume Method) Using an Xacto blade, scrape off the solder mask holding the blade flush being careful not to use the pointed part of the blade. 2. (High Volume Method)Tape off the area that you don't want the mas
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 18:56:20 EST 2006 | jsloot
Several weeks ago, there were some postings about a new product for reducing dross in the wave solder pot. It was, I think, a liquid. Both for Tin/Lead and lead free solder. Anyone remember who this vendor is?
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 20:00:22 EST 2006 | Cal Kolokoy
The vendor is PK Metals. Their product is called molten solder surfactant.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 11 12:04:06 EDT 2006 | Baer
The MS2 Molten SOlder Surfactant web site is http://www.pkaymetal.com The product is not commercially available.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 02 01:42:02 EDT 2006 | ge_lim
Hi Anyone has used Kera-clean Dross Ex to clean the dip soldering nozzle before? This product is from Kera-Technik@gmx.de, GmbH, Germany, and has been quite effective in removing the dross residue on the nozzle. Tell me is there a similiar product