Electronics Forum: solder splatter gold fingers (Page 1 of 19)

solder on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 09:20:29 EST 2010 | jrr3434

Is there anyway to get solder off gold fingers besides replating them?

solder on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 16:16:17 EST 2010 | stepheniii

My old boss bought some stuff to clean the lead off of gold fingers. At least that is what he thought it did. What it really did was remove the gold fingers. And quite well I might add. The short answer to your question is no. And if you replate mak

solder on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 14:18:21 EST 2010 | davef

Search the fine SMTnet Archives to find threads like: * http://www.smtnet.com/Forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=5127 * http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=9250

Solder on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 28 17:46:44 EDT 1999 | Gary Kemp

My company manufactures memory modules and I'm finding solder specs on the gold fingers following the reflow process. We are using a no-clean solder paste. The spec sheet warns against crossing the 140 degree C mark during the soak stage, preventin

gold fingers over wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 13 12:07:24 EST 2000 | Tony Nirchi

Gold finger connector over a wave solder, what would be the best way to protect the fingers from solder.This is a high volume job.

replating gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 14:51:31 EDT 2006 | bhu

Can anyone suggest a supplier for gold solution when replating gold fingers that had solder on them?

Wire bonding on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 03 11:36:57 EDT 2003 | Ron

Have you considered a temporary water washable solder mask. Elvaway solder mask tapes have been protecting Gold Fingers during soldering and simply wash away in a water wash process and leaves no residue.

Re: gold fingers over wave

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 09:36:49 EST 2000 | Richard

If the gold fingers are pad types which plug into expansion slot connectors, I have used a titanium guard attached to the wave conveyor over the solder pot, which allows the PCB to connect to the fingers but masks the solder from the gold pads along

Wire bonding on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 02 11:21:29 EDT 2004 | sforman1

Use MicroCoat Technologies UV cure solder mask. will leave PCB absolutely clean. used in many PCB solder/wirebonding apps. http://www.m-coat.com

no-clean mask for gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 23 12:37:35 EST 1999 | parag palshikar

hi, i am working towards developing a no-clean process for a customer at contract manufacturing facility. the assemblies have gold fingers on them. these are masked to prevent from any damage to them during reflow soldering. the earlier process ut

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