Electronics Forum: solder thief for wave pallet (Page 1 of 4)

Design guidelines for solder thief pads

Electronics Forum | Fri May 07 05:47:44 EDT 1999 | Charles Stringer

This is not strictly a surface mount query but any input welcome I am thinking of using surface mount solder thief pads for a through hole connector. The connector is two rows of 0.1" pitch pins and on waving there is often a bridge on the last two p

Re: Design guidelines for solder thief pads

Electronics Forum | Fri May 07 15:37:22 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| This is not strictly a surface mount query but any input welcome | I am thinking of using surface mount solder thief pads for a through hole connector. The connector is two rows of 0.1" pitch pins and on waving there is often a bridge on the last t

Stick on robber/thief pads for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 19 07:04:11 EST 2004 | loz

Wondering if anyone knows if this product actually exists? If so please provide details. Thanks, Loz

Stick on robber/thief pads for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 19 20:07:07 EST 2004 | russ

I once used some foil tape from 3M with hightemp adhesive. It actually sorta worked. Russ

Stick on robber/thief pads for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 19 09:49:20 EST 2004 | davef

Not as such. Choices are: 1 Cut and epoxy some board foil from your board fabricator. 2 Sacrifice part a pad repair kits from the likes of: * Engineering Lab 905-785-1982 * Circuit Technology Center 978-374-5000 * General assembly suppliers catalog

SMD land patterns design for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 15:58:16 EDT 2002 | davef

Your thinking is correct. Wave soldering pads that were designed for reflow can create problems: * Large pads used for reflow [too much solder] can create reliability problems. * Bridging [too much solder] creates rework. * Skipping & shadowing from

gloves used for wave soldering and pallets

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 12:20:45 EDT 2007 | jsloot

What kind and what brand of gloves are people using for handling hot wave solder pallets? My operators are going through a pair a week. I need something better. Thanks

gloves used for wave soldering and pallets

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 20:07:24 EDT 2007 | davef

As sources for heat resistant gloves, try: * National Safety Apparel * Radnor

gloves used for wave soldering and pallets

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 21 10:33:56 EDT 2007 | russ

we use welders gloves with cuffs. there are some other heat gloves out there as well, we like the durability of leather though Russ

gloves used for wave soldering and pallets

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 12:37:10 EDT 2007 | hussman

As long as your operator is grounded, a pair of welders gloves is fine. The leather kind do not build up static and do last a while. If the same pair of gloves is being used for dedrossing the wave, pay special attention to loose fitting gloves. I

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