Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 18:17:28 EST 1998 | John Wilson
I am looking for any information or testing data done on the amount of weight that can be held by a bga package based on size of the solder sphere and number of spheres. I am reflowing components with a bga package on the opposite side and looking f
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 10:11:08 EDT 2007 | morris
Bearwear Inc. Makes the wave solder weight bags you are searching for. Lewisville Texas 972-315-6457 http://www.webspawner.com/users/bearwear/
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 09:41:35 EDT 2008 | davef
Q1. Do we really need to follow the IPC J-STD-001 Solder purity? A1. Yes, you should control impurities in solder. Further information: * "Allowable concentration of contaminating elements in solder: impurities are harmless unless their level goes to
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 21 12:28:00 EST 2009 | flipit
There is evidence of lead being used in soldering 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia. Not a big issue for most people doing SMT but the poster should also understand why percent metal is adjusted for different solder paste alloys. You print by volume b
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 27 14:24:05 EST 2005 | davef
pmdeuel: Was that "about 60 %solder and 40 % flux" according to volume or weight?
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 19:36:21 EST 2002 | davef
You weren�t clear but I assume the problem is not widely distributed and affects only a few parts on each board. Do this trick: * Cut a ~1� piece of fairly serious wire, like 18 or 12 AWG. * Strip the insulation. * Gear-up with gloves, glasses, and
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 19:08:19 EDT 2005 | chad
Steve, A company called Bearwear, Inc. is who I refer my customers to. They will make any size and any weight you want. Prices are reasonable to. Give me a call if you want there number Chad Pentagon EMS 503-924-2747
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 12:07:54 EDT 2007 | jimpetrain
I would agree with the cotton bags and can be bought basically any where. I myself preferred to use rice as it had the weight, but not too much. An added addition was it does not contaminate anything as well and is inexpensive to buy.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 22:00:51 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Could be. What are your profiles? 2) Au finish fail => Could be, but that the connections can be made with hand soldering makes this a low probability cause, assuming the activity of the flux used in hand soldering is not significantly different fr
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 13:47:28 EDT 2005 | russ
No you're not stupid, they will melt if the top of the board gets real hot. I was lucky most likely in that ours were usually off of the board surface. anything that will hold the weight material will work. Now that I think about it my shot bags w