Electronics Forum: solder wire cored 96.5sn/3.0ag/0.5cu (sac305) (Page 1 of 1)

Solder pot & wire tinning help

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 02 13:06:36 EST 2020 | charliedci

If you add any "flux cored" wire solder to the pot make sure you have ventilation as the flux will burn off and smoke like crazy. This solder pot is like any used in a wave or selective solder, no flux. The flux is added to wire prior to di

SAC305 soldering to 58Bi/42Sn

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 18:45:12 EST 2009 | gregoryyork

We put it in one flow soldering machine probably 12 years ago now worked really well but was extremely brittle you maybe better off with the 1% Ag alloy as its more ductile. Look at AIM Solders site if you want further information on the alloy Itis a

SN100C alloy positive and negatives

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 24 15:28:17 EST 2008 | edmentzer

We use SN100C for wave soldering and hand Lead free soldering and have had very good results. The wire cored solder for hand soldering flows good and makes very good solder joints. The SN100C in the wave solder machine also works very good. We use


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