Electronics Forum: solder wont calibrate (Page 1 of 63)

How do I calibrate a soldering iron/station?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 11 11:48:51 EDT 2008 | ehess

What is the process for calibrating a soldering iron and/or station? What tools are needed, and how do i go about it? Thanks

How do I calibrate a soldering iron/station?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 10:17:27 EDT 2008 | dwelch123

Ed,,You need a temp gauge to verify tip temp and if it's a digital control iron and it's off usually just junk it. If dial control you can loosen knob and adjust to reading.If you need to know type of gauge and manufacturer drop me a line

How do I calibrate a soldering iron/station?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 11:33:35 EDT 2008 | stepheniii

It depends on the type of iron. Some of ours have a little plug you pull out that exposes a pot that you tweak to make the temperature of the tip the same as the reading. Others can't be adjusted and the heating element must be replaced if they don't

estop error wont go away on vitronics delta max

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 15 12:07:13 EDT 2018 | fern

My company is hooking up a delta max wave solder machine but we can seem to get the estop error to go away any one have a any experience with this issue.

solder defect

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 20 17:43:03 EDT 2019 | deanm

Looks like poor wetting/solderability to me. I don’t see heel fillets on the leads where the solder balls up. The solder has to go somewhere. It won’t flow where it won’t wet. Try printing a bare board and run through reflow. If the solder balls up o

selective solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 14:59:50 EDT 2023 | proceng1

OK, does your axis screw have the flex coupler or the magnetic coupler? Which axis is it? Did you turn off soft limits? If it's out of range, soft limits won't let it move by controls. I need to know which axis before I can get too far into this. I

solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 11 09:51:56 EST 2009 | dyoungquist

I won't say never but very rarely do we have problems with the flux seperating. The way we get around the 1-2 hour warmup time is this: The day before we run a particular job, the last person takes out the paste needed from the fridge as the last t

Excess solder during manual solder jumper

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 15 11:03:48 EST 2019 | rgduval

I think Steve is on to it. The wire is not getting hot enough to wet. Either the solderer is attempting to solder too quickly, or the PTH is connected to a ground plane. The solder sticking up through the hole leads me to think it's connected to a

Excessive solder balls!

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 12:53:56 EDT 2011 | markhoch

I concur with Mr. KaHrpr and Mr. Dave. Just because your measured profile falls in the middle of a process window doesn’t mean that you won’t ever have to analyze it. You may be 9/10ths of the way there, but running 25 miles won't win you a marathon

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 09:47:19 EST 2014 | jpal

Thanks for all the remarks. I am tending toward the move the pot method. I am concerned about parts tilting from square if moved or held at an angle. I won't need to deal with board pallets, board clamp mechanisms, etc. Plus I found the moving board

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