Electronics Forum: soldering champion (Page 1 of 1)

Lead Free soldering profile for SMT

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 16:55:16 EDT 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi Yes Thanks, I understand that there are still some arguments going on in the EU and some companies like Phillips AG, I believe, are championing changes. Even so from what I know the combined JEITA/European (Soldertec) /USA NEMI task group is sti

Use and Restrictions of solder containing lead

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 05 06:03:49 EDT 2003 | iman

Japan and Europe are the main champions for the leadfee solder initiative. USA join in due to global political efforts as one of the cub scout leaderships. Military and Automobile industrial-electronics is exempt from the leadfree directive. Reason

Could use some help

Electronics Forum | Mon May 21 09:06:33 EDT 2007 | davef

Pat: Very descriptive SUBJECT choice. Surface tension: * Soldering and Surface Tension; Champion, JA; Physics Education, V 16, No 2, 1981, pp 98-100(3) Institute of Physics [We have not looked at this, so we cannot comment, but it seems like an appr

What is the QFN or Device Voiding Levels Needed for Automotive Industry for Power Devices for Electric Vehicles?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 21:38:55 EDT 2017 | jlawson

I think the main driver is MTBF data driven by the Car OEMS, mainly german makers pushing this onto suppliers in supply chain. Vacuum soldering and void reduction is a hot topic for the leading electronics suppliers in Germany at the moment. Is not r

To overcome human problem

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 20 23:13:14 EST 2003 | Dean

Hi Tommy. A clean printer has always been a hot button with me as-well. Solder paste is like a can of paint. As soon as you open it up you will get it on all the things you wanted to preserve as clean. The cleanliness and condition of your sten

Re: Tin-Lead thickness on PWB's/Let's Hear More

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 07:25:58 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Hey yooze guys! | Enough of the jokes between you and Earl (GRIN), let's get back to the topic...well, okay... you can tell a few more...(but good ones, 'kay?) | Anyhoo...I'm not sure if ya'll are on the IPC Technet list or not, I've not seen any p

Re: Tin-Lead thickness on PWB's/Let's Hear More

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 05:43:33 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Hey yooze guys! | Enough of the jokes between you and Earl (GRIN), let's get back to the topic...well, okay... you can tell a few more...(but good ones, 'kay?) | Anyhoo...I'm not sure if ya'll are on the IPC Technet list or not, I've not seen any p


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