Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 12:52:35 EDT 2006 | samir
..and he can put the flux in and keep it a secret too from his customer.. RSS profile on wave?? I never heard of a soak zone for wave preheat...you may be burning off your activator..hence, the beads. For wave preheat, your main goal is to ramp up
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 12:06:58 EST 2007 | pjc
5 Steps to Eliminate Bridges: 1. Establish (wave) Parallelism First and foremost, you must establish board-to-wave parallelism. This is the prerequisite to any wave solder process control. For an understanding of the power of this approach go to ht
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 13 21:53:55 EST 2007 | molos21
I have been using sn100c for over a year now on our wave solder process and I am plenty satisfied so far. The secret for success with this alloy is to have your solder pot near 270 celsius and your dwell time has to be near 4 sec and your temperature
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 27 20:10:17 EDT 2005 | davef
Use "Bakers Secret" Teflon coated loaf pans to make the nicest solder ingots that you have ever seen. We hope you are using the term "draining the solder pot" euphemistically. Using the drain on the bottom of the pot is dangerous. [Too much can go
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 04 17:11:29 EST 1998 | Steve Gregory
| Can anyone help with advice on the possibility | of "rejuvinating" aged solder paste | for SMT applications. | Thanks! Peter, I wouldn't even try...even if you had all the different chemicals that you needed to do it properly, the formula's f
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 12:45:51 EST 2007 | Hussman
Syringe is a good plan. You may need to buy some pnuematic guns to push ou the paste thuogh. Instead of melting the paste down, have someone reclaim for you. They pay you for it. Sorry Maint Managers - gave away your secret.
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 28 10:27:08 EDT 2005 | SuMoTe
Thanks to Stevezeva for hosting the pictures: Bakers Secret pans are the way to go, I use the "bread loaf" size. http://www.stevezeva.homestead.com/files/DrainingSolderPot.jpg http://www.stevezeva.homestead.com/files/DrainingSolderPot2.jpg Pray t
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 10:18:58 EDT 2000 | Russ
Brian, I agree with Jesper, You seem to have a PCB supplier problem! The conditions that you are processing your assembly with are nothing unusual and in fact very standard throughout all of the manufacturing facilities that I have been in, unless
Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 18:34:28 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| What is the best way to re-ball a BGA? Who has the best system for doing it? | I'm using our SRT rework stuff to reball in house - when necessary. Of course, we only do this for protos and test boards. We use a standard micro-stencil, after clean
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 21 16:00:55 EDT 2001 | davef
In addition to providing guidelines for BGA inspection and repair, IPC-7095 also addresses reliability issues associated with BGA: 7095, �Design and Assembly Process Implementation for BGA's� Your boards should be assembled in conformance with: *