Electronics Forum: soldering temperature precision (Page 1 of 226)

Wave soldering temperature

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 11:56:33 EST 1999 | Tim Almy

Is 260 degrees C / 500 degrees F the optimum temperature for wave soldering ?

Wave soldering preheat temperature

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 12:59:51 EDT 2001 | Mike R

If you will place a temperature strip on the board during wave soldering process you will get a max of 210 F or 98.8 C which is normal on the standard wave temperature. The problem on the 10% solder on the TH via hole can be caused by insufficient fl

High temperature soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 14:34:14 EDT 1998 | Ed Holton

Looking for anyone who has experience with high temperature soldering. Need to determine why solder joints are failing. Thermocycling of unit is -40C to +140C, 30 minute dwell time, 10 sec. transition time Your help is appreciated Ed Holton Hella E

reflow / soldering temperature

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 10:50:08 EDT 2001 | CAL

Per our staff here at ACI......... Higher Temperatures maybe necessary to achieve good solder process results. The alloy formed when HASL coating protects the copper is the same as that when OSP provide protection. Temperatures may be increased to im

Re: Wave soldering temperature

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 15:57:46 EST 1999 | Dave F

I'm with John. Back in the old MIL-2000 days, the pot temperature was 245-275C (475-525F). Now, 240-260C (460-480 F) is more accepted for eutechic (eutechicish) solder. My2� Dave F

Re: Wave soldering temperature

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 14:13:34 EST 1999 | John Thorup

Hi Tim It sort of depends on the solder alloy being used and the particular assemblies being soldered. If you are using the usual 63/37 alloy I would consider 500 to be a bit warm unless the assembly required it. Some alloys would require a higher

Re: High temperature soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 15:21:08 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Looking for anyone who has experience with high temperature soldering. Need to determine why solder joints are failing. Thermocycling of unit is -40C to +140C, 30 minute dwell time, 10 sec. transition time | Your help is appreciated | Ed Holton |

Wave soldering preheat temperature

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 14 00:04:21 EDT 2001 | zam_bri

I'm not a Wave soldering guy and my friend have asked me a question on what is the best preheat time and temperature for Wave soldering.They experiences only 10% flow up thru the PTH barrel. I've asked them to increase the temperatue to 120 Deg C. Cu

Re: High temperature soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 20:33:06 EDT 1998 | D.Lange

| Looking for anyone who has experience with high temperature soldering. Need to determine why solder joints are failing. Thermocycling of unit is -40C to +140C, 30 minute dwell time, 10 sec. transition time | Your help is appreciated | Ed Holton |

reflow / soldering temperature

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 12:27:12 EDT 2001 | davef

I concur with your second approach. A profile needs to be tailored to the design of the board, the components, and the solder paste. Your first approach seems to try to balance lower quality soldering with a lower process complexity.

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