Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 16:12:05 EST 2001 | bill_scholl
I have been told that is is possible to reflow solder through hole components. Can anyone confirm this is being done reliably? If so, what are the required equipment, steps and processes? What is the reliability of the solder joints? Is this a genera
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 20:31:44 EST 2001 | davef
It's common. We've talked about it here several times. Hopefully the fine SMTnet Archive that are available are helpful. If there not talk back. Other sites that are sources of information are: * SMT Magazine * Bob Willis * Phil Zarrow * Amp[c
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 30 15:21:45 EST 2001 | dason_c
You can also check Alpha Metals web site for some information. http://www.alphametals.com/products/pin-in-pasteprocess.html Rgds. Dason
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 31 11:20:01 EST 2001 | slthomas
Thanks, Pete. In our case I think the device is just too much of a challenge to take on as a first try at the process. The reduction in lead volume from the optimum round lead to the "crescent" shape pretty much sunk us from the get-go. Just could
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 30 01:32:24 EST 2001 | PeteC
Bill, We do solderpaste reflow on through-hole here every day on plated-thru-holes. We do it on connectors only. It is a reliable process. We use no special profile. The stencil apertures must be modified for this process. Check out the IPC-7525 "St
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 30 12:03:15 EST 2001 | slthomas
Pete, I'm wondering how much optimisation you needed (or were allowed) to do with respect to connector design. The first one we evaluated had a row of leads that I can only describe as "crescent" shaped in cross section. Impossible to get even 50%
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 31 01:41:00 EST 2001 | pjc
Steve, I have no influence over conn design. We paste print-reflow solder two types of connectors. One is a 50 pin IDC w/ 0.5mm lead dia @ 2.54mm lead pitch and a chamfered pointed lead tip. The other is 32 pin DIP w/ 0.36mm lead dia @ 2.54mm pitch
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 11:27:25 EST 2007 | asoe
I just wonder anyone had the idea of solderability test for through hole by using a wetting balance equipment? I read the jstd002/003 however my feel is now our machine (metronelec st60) is not capable of this test?
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 14:57:18 EST 2007 | davef
The standard Metronelec Menisco ST 60 can not run a dip and look test for PTH parts. It is an optional feature on that machine.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 15:18:16 EST 2007 | dphilbrick
Tintronics in Huntsville AL can do this. PS I use them all the time for various services. I have no affiliation with them other than being a customer.