Electronics Forum: soldermask color change (Page 1 of 22)

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 10 17:05:47 EDT 2019 | davef

I wonder if this discoloration isn't delamination. I'd discuss it with my board fabricator.

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 11:05:35 EDT 2019 | teejsd

Went thru wave solder, yes

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 14:22:51 EDT 2019 | gregoryyork

Would be well worth testing a bare board first

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 21 02:16:31 EDT 2019 | alanyang

ask your supplier to make micro-section to check whether it is delamination.

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 09:50:13 EDT 2019 | teejsd

Closer pics at angle would seem to support soldermask delam. And I am now wondering if our no clean flux is getting properly inactivated where it is sitting under the mask.

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 11:10:08 EDT 2019 | teejsd

We also have a Foresite C3 for spot testing for ionic contamination. I didn't use it at this spot, but used it some other spots around the PCB that showed this color change and with our C3 we were passing IPC standard for ionics. But I was wonderin

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 10:46:16 EDT 2019 | gregoryyork

The Single Solder ball stuck to the mask may indicate undercured as well. The issue is not so much the mild No Clean flux but the potentially major active HASL flux or Silver Process chemistries causing issues. This has been through flow solder hasnt

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 11:08:34 EDT 2019 | gregoryyork

OK good if you get really close to the two small solder balls trapped in that greasy waxy residue and carefully turn the balls over you should see that they are flat on the side stuck to the solder resist.

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 11:42:30 EDT 2019 | gregoryyork

Sorry meant to say if the C3 is only testing Ionic then typically this material is Nonyl Phenol which is non ionic so may possibly not see it. Im not familiar with that test, hence we carry out FTIR extraction

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 14:20:40 EDT 2019 | gregoryyork

If you send me the results happy to take a quick look for you. Ask your guys to look out for Minerals Salts, Polyvinyl Acetates etc. Have a great weekend

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