Electronics Forum: solectron using system pcb clean room (Page 1 of 15)

AQ-400 SMT-400CL pcb Cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 12 10:15:18 EST 2010 | adrnbntz

Any one know how to operate a AQ-400CL, SMT400CL cleaning machine, Bought a used one with out manuals... Please need help..need manuals or quick start-troubleshooting guide. Thx. Adrian

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 05 10:12:32 EST 2007 | slthomas

The use of booties isn't required per se, just considered a standard step necessary to reach the 10,000 target. You also need to vacuum (central vac system, NOT exhausting into the room) daily, mop weekly, have a one piece floor, blah, blah, blah....

Automatic stencil cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 15:19:44 EST 2024 | tommy_magyar

MiniSwash PBT user here - happy customer with a closed loop washing system. CC8 and DC8 filters used to filter rinse water (not sure if these are included for you, otherwise you may need to look for these too). 3 filters (10, 5, 1 um) to filter the w

Automatic stencil cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 06 15:06:51 EST 2024 | jparker

Very satisfied customer of 2 Austin America Technology X30's. One is 11 years old and the other is 3 years old. We have them both setup as a closed loop systems, and the solution we use is "Kyzen E5615", 100% full strength. You can setup different pr

PCB cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 09:39:58 EDT 2017 | sumote

The very best batch cleaner I have ever used, and I don’t mean by a small margin, was an Electrovet MCS1000. I kept that machine running a very long time, but a software problem ended up being more than the company I worked for was willing to underta

Cleaning after rework, no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 23:59:48 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad

Grant, No-Clean paste + IPA = White Residue! #1: Stop using IPA #2: Switch to either a solvent-based de-fluxing chemical or an aqueous-based de-fluxing chemical. If you are using an ultrasonic cleaner for your boards as stated, do not use sapon

How do you clean OSP PCB's without washing it off?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 14:18:13 EDT 2006 | Kevin W. Parker

We have begun using a PCB with Organic Surface Protectant. We normally run boards with non orgainic protectant. We can wash these boards with our ultrasonic cleaner using Zestron SC202 and a separate Hot/cold rinse system with an air knife. This r

Re: help help! Water clean for CSP/BGA package

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 14:38:06 EDT 1999 | Debbie Alavezos

| | Hi, | | | | Help! Could anyone help to enlighten me on this? | | | | Question: | | | | If I have a CSP/BGA package of size X by Y and the standoff gap between the component and PCB is Z, What is the maximum allowable Y/Z or X/Z that using a n

Re: help help! Water clean for CSP/BGA package

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 06:03:37 EDT 1999 | Graham Naisbitt

| Hi, | | Help! Could anyone help to enlighten me on this? | | Question: | | If I have a CSP/BGA package of size X by Y and the standoff gap between the component and PCB is Z, What is the maximum allowable Y/Z or X/Z that using a normal water cl

Re: More informations on water clean for CSP/BGA package

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 11:40:41 EDT 1999 | Debbie Alavezos

| | Hi, | | | | Help! Could anyone help to enlighten me on this? | | | | Question: | | | | If I have a CSP/BGA package of size X by Y and the standoff gap between the component and PCB is Z, What is the maximum allowable Y/Z or X/Z that using a n

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