Electronics Forum: sonic soak for stencil cleaning (Page 1 of 2)

solvents for cleaning metal stencils

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 01 09:43:52 EST 2004 | russ

See Daves Answer above and change it to "paste mfgr." Also most all of the cleaning companies have chemistries. Are you cleaning noclean or W.S.? IPA works if you clean them manually, Or the chemicals that the Ultra sonics mfgrs recommend. Search

Recommendations for ultrasonic cleaning solution

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 15 17:48:51 EDT 2001 | kerryn

You should check the archives, there has been much written on this subject in the past. Asking about the correct chemistry is wise. It never ceases to amaze me how many people think ultrasonics will work without the proper chemistry. Without the rig

Best practice for stencil cleanning

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 16:58:40 EDT 2010 | daxman

I've worked at several companies that have used Smart Sonic ultrasonic cleaners. About a year ago, we purchased the Smart Sonic 1550 and Enviroguard. The Enviroguard produces DI water for rinsing and also handles the solder waste. Also, Smart Sonic h

What method for cleaning a wiped board?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 04 11:39:10 EDT 2023 | dontfeedphils

We typically wipe the boards with a lint free wipe soaked in the same under stencil cleaning solution we use in our printer, then run it through our spray-in-air stencil wash.

Common cleaning agent for Water soluble, No-Clean and RMA paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 12:23:07 EDT 2001 | Mike Konrad

Hi Danial, Yes, you can use one cleaning chemistry for all paste types. There are many available chemistries from many manufacturers. The chemistries that I would recommend include: StencilWash Plus from Aqueous Technologies http://www.aqueouste

Ultrasonic washing for boards

Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 12:36:06 EDT 2005 | bschreiber

Hello Frank, Just a quick note regarding the use of your Smart Sonic Stencil Cleaning process for cleaning PCBs; if the boards are populated, some components my require an ultrasonic rinse with DI water as ultrasonics will deliver the wash solution

Ultrasonic washing for boards

Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 10:57:22 EDT 2005 | Frank R.

We received about 5K assembly boards from china. They left flux residu on top of the board and the flux they use was different than us. RESULT ... we use a translucent cylicon to cover the board and it was not possible to dry the cylicon because of

Ultrasonic washing for boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 14:07:24 EDT 2005 | bschreiber

Hello Paul, Prior to 1980, I would say that your concerns were real regarding the resonant frequency. However, since then all major ultrasonic cleaner manufacturers use a "sweep" frequency technology. By "sweeping" or alternating the frequency bet

Re: Cleaning solvent for missprinted PCB (paste & Glue)

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 11:08:03 EST 1998 | Bill Schreiber

Smart Sonic's 440-R SMT Detergent cleans all types of solder paste, wet SMD adhesives and post solder flux residue from misprinted PCBs, stencils and tooling. 440-R SMT Detergent is non hazardous and is certified by the Air Quality Management Distri

Re: Screen printing glue for wave soldering SMT components.

Electronics Forum | Mon May 29 02:15:06 EDT 2000 | Dreamsniper

Hi Buddy, We've tried shifting to this process before and from our point of view here are some of the advantage and disadvantages that we discovered. Advantage 1) Cheap Equipment cost as you just need to use your Solder Paste Printer rather than buy

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