Electronics Forum: sony belt (Page 1 of 1)

SONY SI-F209 Error at startup

Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 05:46:01 EDT 2018 | ringelgr

No i didn't move any cable just cleaned the old grease and applied a new one, also checked the tension of the belts and cleaned the inside of the machine. In any case no cables where moved at the maintenance process. And the only info i have is the

DPMO calc and Overall Manufacturing Index (OMI) calculations

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 16:44:27 EDT 2001 | davef

Several points are: * Some may argue that DPMO is peculiar and specific. That�s why IPC-7912 states �Users of this document are cautioned when comparing one manufacturer�s indices to one another due to differences in assembly complexity and the amou


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