Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 05 15:36:48 EST 2005 | etienne
Hi Brad, I suggest you get in contact with Sony. http://www.sonyfa.com/si_e1000/sie1000_producthome.cfm They got the SI E-1100, capable of placing QFPs64/0.5mm simultaenously with all other heads full of components, not like many other machines. See
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 09 16:04:56 EST 2007 | tiucric
Firstly , we are installing an ipulse m4e smt machine later this year. If any are being used in your production process please let me know just how good or bad the machine operates, any advance of information regarding problems : placement , nozzles
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 15:49:58 EDT 1999 | Tim Nicholson
Anybody using trolleys with the pick-n-place machines and do you splice to the empty reels? Does it work ?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 15:24:29 EST 2005 | bobpan
Mirae MMX machines supported by Tyco........awesome stuff......nuff said!!!!
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 14:21:21 EST 2005 | jim
I have also have reviewed the machines listed and decided that the Mydata for low volume high mix, it was the best. It is very flexible when dealing with imperfect material supplied. The other machines are better in the high volume arena
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 18 14:38:33 EST 2005 | JBurgans
Whatever you do, stay far, far away from the Manncorp machines. I happened to tour a facilty that used those, and I sincerely felt for those poor souls who were suck operating those machines.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 15 11:29:05 EST 2005 | Brad
Hello everyone, look at the forum every day, and read all your comments and questions on alot of different subjects. My company is looking to invest in another P&P machine. We currently using Quad C series and have had some accuracy and repeatabili
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 18 10:55:24 EST 2005 | mmjm_1099
I personally use CP43 and QP341 and thats it. We are a small house so much isnt needed besides this. I have placed from 0402 and larger in the CP and basic IC and QFP in the QPs. I have been drooling over the NXT machines. http://www.fujiamerica.co
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 25 15:05:42 EST 2005 | Mark
Could a pick and place machine from APS(out of PA) be added to the list of flexible systems for low-med volume/high mix applications? Maybe a dumb question but in my defense, never worked/ researched PnP machines before. Read a lot about the brand
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 25 17:08:10 EST 2005 | Grant
Hi, I had one of those machines older MYDATA TP9 machines once, and it should work as well for very low volume applications, although the points you raise are correct. However you should get good accuracy on fine pitch, and we noticed you need to pu
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