Electronics Forum: spa-250 (Page 1 of 1)

EBSO SPA250/400

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 25 01:42:02 EDT 2017 | bukas

hi everyone, i'm looking for someone to fabricate new or sell used wetted nozzles for Ebso SPA 250/400 soldering machine.

EBSO SPA250/400

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 17:37:09 EDT 2017 | cotinc01

Please email me at sales@cotinc.com with your requirements. We manufacture several types of selective solder nozzles for other machine types and would like to see if we can assist you with your request.

Selective Solder Program Transfer

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 30 03:42:42 EST 2016 | bukas

i have a SPA 250, it has serial connector but uses RS485. only 2 pins of serial connector are in use. it is very likely that this is the case with SPA 400. there are some settings in offline editor, if you havent fixed it yet i can send you some pict

Cleaning a Used (Preowned) Selective Solder Machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 16 18:06:14 EDT 2015 | pmcg

Problem with cleaning these machines is once you start it's easy to get carried away. ;) We cleaned our SPA-400F a few months ago, had been offline for a while as we were using our SPA-250. It started as just a clean and to replace all the flux pip

Cleaning a Used (Preowned) Selective Solder Machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 12 03:09:06 EDT 2015 | akon63

Problem with cleaning these machines is once you > start it's easy to get carried away. ;) > > We > cleaned our SPA-400F a few months ago, had been > offline for a while as we were using our > SPA-250. > > It started as just a clean and to > r


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