Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 23:35:12 EST 2003 | fastek
I would argue that Electrovert makes the best cleaner in the business (Aquastorm 200) and I would also argue that the Vectra and Electra waves are some of the best around. The Omniflo ovens are excellent as well. They're not going anywhere. And who's
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 10:00:43 EST 2005 | GS
Did you considered Aquastorm 200 (speedline)? Regards GS
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 16 14:21:15 EDT 2014 | toddp2012
Hi all, we have a Speedline Technologies ELEOCTROVERT/Aquastorm 200. In January we stared supplying it with pre-filterd to the DI cabinet next to machine so our large media would last longer. All was fine for about 4 months and then we started gett
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 09 15:30:16 EST 2008 | markhoch
your best bet might be to try contacting some of the industry leaders in Aqueous Cleaning Equipment. Zestron America www.zestronusa.com Speedline Electrovert http://www.speedlinetechnologies.com/electrovert/aquastorm.aspx I am not affiliated in
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 10:24:11 EST 2006 | pjc
The Speedline Technologies- Electrovert AquaStorm 200 is one machine that can do the trick. You'll need the Chemical Isolation option for the RMA flux and you'll need a cleaning chemistry like what Zestron and Kyzen have. Yes, hi-density boards with
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 18 12:16:06 EDT 2014 | island2013
I had the same situation at a facility a few years ago. We moved our wash from one building to another and it was fine for months and then we had the foaming issue similar to yours. We tried everything from adding anti foam agents to even having th
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 30 09:35:39 EDT 2003 | jseagle
What do you all think about Cookson trying to sell off their Speedline division? I was just about to purchase an Electrovert Aquastorm 100 but now I am not so sure. Does anyone here have an Austin American in-line wash? Looking for feedback as the
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 18 15:25:19 EDT 2014 | davef
The presence of agitation at an air / solution interface and a foaming agent causes foaming. Most water soluble fluxes contain surficants. Surficants are foaming agents. First, it's likely this foaming is caused by poor control of the temperature of
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 25 18:30:26 EDT 2003 | lysik
I buy a ton of used equipment. The price of used MPM/Electrovert has gone up. Trust me all the doom and gloom is just %$#^. Buy the stuff it is good strong reliable equipment. No problems. I just paid 30K for a used Aquastorm 200 with no customer in
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 30 21:20:07 EDT 2003 | davef
It's good for Cookson shareholders that something has forced the managers of Cookson to come to their senses, finally. All those aquisitions never made sense to anyone, except the MBAs and lawyers that reaped the fees from all that paper shuffling.