Electronics Forum: speedline electrovert aquastorm 100 (Page 1 of 1)

speedline sale

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 11 23:35:12 EST 2003 | fastek

I would argue that Electrovert makes the best cleaner in the business (Aquastorm 200) and I would also argue that the Vectra and Electra waves are some of the best around. The Omniflo ovens are excellent as well. They're not going anywhere. And who's

Cookson selling Speedline

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 30 09:35:39 EDT 2003 | jseagle

What do you all think about Cookson trying to sell off their Speedline division? I was just about to purchase an Electrovert Aquastorm 100 but now I am not so sure. Does anyone here have an Austin American in-line wash? Looking for feedback as the

Setting up Water Wash Plant

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 09 15:30:16 EST 2008 | markhoch

your best bet might be to try contacting some of the industry leaders in Aqueous Cleaning Equipment. Zestron America www.zestronusa.com Speedline Electrovert http://www.speedlinetechnologies.com/electrovert/aquastorm.aspx I am not affiliated in

Inline Aqueous Wash for WS and RMA fluxes

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 10:24:11 EST 2006 | pjc

The Speedline Technologies- Electrovert AquaStorm 200 is one machine that can do the trick. You'll need the Chemical Isolation option for the RMA flux and you'll need a cleaning chemistry like what Zestron and Kyzen have. Yes, hi-density boards with

Board washer

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 14:27:49 EST 2006 | pjc

Not really. A new Electrovert AquaStorm 100, in-line machine, is under $60K, for straight aqueous applications. The batch type from Aqueous Tech are like $35K I believe. $120K would be for a high performance in-line machine, such as the AquaStorm 200

Cookson selling Speedline

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 25 18:30:26 EDT 2003 | lysik

I buy a ton of used equipment. The price of used MPM/Electrovert has gone up. Trust me all the doom and gloom is just %$#^. Buy the stuff it is good strong reliable equipment. No problems. I just paid 30K for a used Aquastorm 200 with no customer in

Printed Circuit wash system

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 21:40:04 EDT 2008 | davef

Vapor degreasing systems * Thermal Equipment [Baron-Blakeslee]; Torrance, CA; thermalequipment.com * Exselect Engineering; Concord, ON CAN; exselect.com * Branson Ultrasonics; Danbury, CT; bransoncleaning.com * Greco Brothers; Providence, RI; grecob

Re: Info. on Stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 29 13:09:12 EST 1999 | Mike Konrad

There are three primary methods of stencil cleaning. � Hand Cleaning � Spray-In-Air Cleaning � Ultrasonic Cleaning Hand Cleaning: Hand cleaning involves the removal of solder paste or adhesives from stencils using a chemically saturated wipe and /


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