Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 17:16:17 EDT 2013 | saied
Hello, We would like to order this spare-part blower motor electrovert omni Excel for Speedline Technologies Electrovert, type: Omni Excel 7 Serial: 476219 Date: 4/04 and we would be thankful if you provide us the Service manul for your prod
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 13:03:01 EDT 2009 | soudomphong
Thank you for responding. I called Speedline tech support he think there is a short some where in the motor. I changed the motor out and still have the same problem. The chain is normal, and using automatic lubricating. I will check more into this, a
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 12:07:40 EDT 2009 | swag
The electronics degrade over time and you get troubles like you're having and you need to install a "noise reduction kit". Basically it's a new interface card set and some cables. You might call Speedline and ask tech. support if this is something
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 10:04:07 EDT 2009 | soudomphong
Thank you for responding. I called Speedline tech > support he think there is a short some where in > the motor. I changed the motor out and still have > the same problem. The chain is normal, and using > automatic lubricating. I will check more
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 24 13:01:24 EDT 2013 | quaker332007
Can anyone help me with the center support on this oven? The support is rising up to high and causing the board to rock during reflow. Is the away to lower the center support?
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 11:59:00 EDT 2001 | Spanky
Hey all, I have 3 questions about reflow. Hopefully someone can help me. 1. I am having a problem. I set the peak at 230 and my mole thermocouples are telling me the temp in that zone gets to 237. How is this possible even if the thermocouple
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 25 10:05:05 EDT 2012 | kz9yyc
Hello all, I am having difficulty with an OmniExcel 10 oven. Zone 5 upper will not hold setpoint = 165C (it typically runs ~10C higher). Here is what I know: 1. The machine is not turning on zone 5 heat when temp is too high. 2. Zone 5 lower is
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 13:27:46 EST 2011 | davemac62
Speedline in St.Louis can help you out on all counts. They have the lock on Electrovert. http://speedlinetech.com/
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 10:33:08 EDT 2015 | Asif
Hello Professionals, Good morning, We are circuit card manufacturer for the Aerospace industry with low volume and High mix level. We have a plan to Purchase a NEW REFLOW OVEN. Currently we are using Electrovert BRAVO reflow oven which is about 8 yea
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 19 08:37:16 EST 2009 | lkpdsund
Hello all! We possess a speedline electrovert omniflo 7 reflow oven at my site. Last week we examined how the solder profile was affected by fan-speed and by providing the soldering process with compressed air(O2) or nitrogen(N2). We also ran the sa
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