Electronics Forum: speedline lead free electra (Page 1 of 2)

speedline sale

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 08:28:22 EST 2003 | caldon

Actually cleaning of PCB's may see a resurgence with the lead free movement. Higher temps and more aggresive fluxes might need to be clean depending on your board and process. In addition Wave soldering solder pots (in some cases machines) may have t

What makes the machine lead free

Electronics Forum | Sat May 17 09:12:50 EDT 2008 | davef

Lead-free means expensive tin. Tin is an excellent solvent. So, metal parts in contact with molten tin must be expensive enough to resist that nature of tin. To learn more about this: * Search the fine SMTnet Archives * Look here: "Liquid Tin Corrosi

Wave solder: Vitronics-Soltec vs. Electrovert

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 10:41:41 EDT 2004 | dj_jago

Other way around Dave. We decided that the Delta had more in common with the Electra rather than the Vectra, the Electra being much more expensive. For example, we wanted 3 preheat zones for lead free and this would mean an exernal fluxer unit if

wave machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 15:09:56 EST 2005 | cardinal

Hi Glenda, I have 5 wavesoldering machines in stock. Electra, two Vectra's and Ultra Pak and a Sensby. I would be happy to work with you on your lead free application. We offer refurbished machines as well as lead free conversions for used wavesol

Dual Wave solder system

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 10:03:32 EST 2005 | dougeidle

Speedline ELECTROVERT sells a Quick Change Pot option and accessories. The option is available as a field Upgrade. Our web page has a dedicated PB Free process section; http://www.speedlinetech.com/lead_free/index.aspx I work for Speedline. I am t

Wave solder: Vitronics-Soltec vs. Electrovert

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 05:02:55 EDT 2004 | dj_jago

Hiram, We have just had the same decision to make! I was at Vitronics Soltec, Holland about 4 weeks ago doing trials for Lead Free. The Soltec Delta machine was ultimatly chosen over price verses performance. Both machines are very capable but

Reflow Oven Chains

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 18:24:30 EDT 2006 | SWAG

Great advice, all. Thanks much. I called on the Tribol 930 and there is now a blend called Tribol 1421 that is good for higher temps. Speedline recommends in place of 930 if you wish to do so. Might be something to consider for lead free stuff.

Speedline Technologies Blog

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 07 14:29:49 EDT 2005 | pjc

FYI: The Speedline Technologies Knowledge Blog, at http://www.speedlinetech.com/blog, will share industry-leading insight, technical know-how, and personal observations from the company�s top experts. In the blog�s first entry, Gerald Pham-Van-

Re: Flip Chip and lead-free soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 16:15:24 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis

Sorry at the moment I do not have information but as usual I want to get some hands on sessions going. We were doing a flip chip workshop hands on session for Speedline last week in England. We did the theory and then hands on soldering and underfill

Reverse Spike

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 09:38:28 EDT 2006 | pjc

Having the last two zones at the reflow temp (spike) is typically done on long ovens (10 zone) running at high conveyor speeds. This enables you to achieve peak temp and TAL as per the solderpaste specs at high production rates. Concerning reverse sp

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