Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 28 23:53:58 EDT 2016 | aemery
I don't think there is a camera off message in the software, but I might be wrong. So I am making a bit of an assumption here that you didn't have a displayed image and your error was a fiducial not found error. I am also wondering if you decided to
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 26 05:18:05 EDT 2016 | ariss_t
Hi, anybody facing the vision 'off' error when using MPM Momentum ?? i change the purple vision cable but still facing the same issue.. the image go black when camera moving for searching fiducial.. any ideas ??
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 07 13:36:43 EDT 2016 | emeto
definitely call and order what you need to calibrate your machines - 3 machines worth the effort.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 30 07:44:39 EDT 2016 | ariss_t
Very good explanation.. yep.. after 4 set of vision cable and a new usb3 port, the problem solve.. seems like the purple cable were the root cause .. The 1st cable on marginal pass failed but not shown the "camera 0" error and we still can poll the
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 07 13:11:41 EDT 2016 | emeto
If the offsets are the same for every board and stencil you checked - You should calibrate this machine. Usually you should have a calibration stencil and board to do that.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 07 13:14:29 EDT 2016 | proceng1
Sadly we have 3 of these, and not one came with a calibration stencil. I couldn't even find a calibration menu other than the "screw head" one.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 07 11:52:25 EDT 2016 | proceng1
We just pulled a Speedline Accuflex printer out of storage. After programming a board and stencil, and calibrating the fiducials and everything, we do a test alignment and bring the board to print height. It is off. I've done it now with two diffe
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 16 17:29:50 EDT 2016 | aemery
Yes, you need to run the 'offsets' calibration to correct the offset issue. If the machine is in good working order and all of the other alignments and cal's are completed then you are good shape to go to run this cal. If not, you could waste a few
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 12:34:06 EDT 2014 | cyber_wolf
Those of you that have Momentums may want to have a look at the metal cover that covers the X-camera ball screw. I would be very interested to know if the top of your camera bracket is rubbing on the bottom of the X-vision ball screw cover. Please
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 07 12:57:55 EST 2018 | aemery
Gerber EZ is not available on the Accuflex platform. Speedline (now ITW EAE), like most manufactures, do not want to offer new tools on old platforms. There is one feature in the AccuPro software that I don't believe was added in any version of the