Electronics Forum: speedline nitrogen (Page 1 of 1)

Soldering oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 19 08:37:16 EST 2009 | lkpdsund

Hello all! We possess a speedline electrovert omniflo 7 reflow oven at my site. Last week we examined how the solder profile was affected by fan-speed and by providing the soldering process with compressed air(O2) or nitrogen(N2). We also ran the sa

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 21:18:31 EST 1999 | Chris Kelly

Glenn, There are both very good VOC-Free fluxes as well as alcohol based fluxes out there. This should be your primary focus if you are so lucky as to have to opportunity to actually select a flux! The use of nitrogen will benefit any no-clean pro


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