Electronics Forum: speedline wave soldering machines flux (Page 1 of 39)

speedline sale

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 08:28:22 EST 2003 | caldon

Actually cleaning of PCB's may see a resurgence with the lead free movement. Higher temps and more aggresive fluxes might need to be clean depending on your board and process. In addition Wave soldering solder pots (in some cases machines) may have t

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 02 14:59:41 EDT 2008 | hermes

if two boards with different solder masks give different results on flux residue level after soldering with the exact same machine settings than it is clear that one of the solder masks is not compatible with your no-clean flux. could be the solder m

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 14:58:21 EDT 2008 | omid_juve

we have problem in setting the density of a no clean flux for using before wave soldering . first we dilute the flux but we have many short circuit problem between the pads of edge connector,then we densify the flux all the short circuit is removed b

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 11:31:17 EDT 2008 | patrickbruneel

Matt solder mask finishes gives the widest process window in view of potential amount of residues when using No-Clean. Shiny (glass like) finishes are more sensitive to residues due to lower surface area compared to matt finish. If the shiny finish i

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 16:03:08 EDT 2008 | wavemasterlarry

I guess you're adding the gas to keep the fingers clean - sounds likeyou got your threads mixed up on the Forum. Any way I would suggest not doing this. Gas is pretty flammable. I have pix of one our Hollis cleaning machines going up in flames cau

wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 04:13:23 EST 2005 | arnold

we are manufacturer of molded type transformer and we soldered are units using wave soldering machine and then we washed the units to remove flux residue. what materials or any process for us to eliminate the process of washing after wave soldering.

Nitrogen wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 19 19:46:29 EST 2003 | adlsmt

I estimate the costs about the same but we build in batches so the wave only runs a few hours a day. We do complex boards so I think its worth it plus you have to keep the machine awhile to recoup the investment in the new nozzles. If the market gets

SMT Solder paste and wave flux evaluation

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 12:29:01 EST 2005 | Bob R.

We use the exact same method Chunks outlined for evaluating just about anything we're going to roll out worldwide, whether it's a material or a machine. List your factors (print speed, solder spread, etc), assign each a weight, evaluate each paste a

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 21:18:31 EST 1999 | Chris Kelly

Glenn, There are both very good VOC-Free fluxes as well as alcohol based fluxes out there. This should be your primary focus if you are so lucky as to have to opportunity to actually select a flux! The use of nitrogen will benefit any no-clean pro

Solder flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 11 06:28:40 EST 2019 | tirthkar8980

what is solder flux? what contents are used for manufacturing solder flux for solder sn/Pb 63/37 ( Application Wave Solder machine )

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