Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 14 19:55:06 EDT 2018 | amartineck
I have a GSM1 that when try to zero it, it stops with the "Timeout waiting for spindle up" message. To get thsi up and running, I have set all my machine settings to default and had to reselect the head from a C4 1 head to the flex head. I initially
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 15:57:57 EDT 2014 | edwaterfall01
The numeric display number should be higher but only when all 7 spindles are moved down slightly from the full up position. The 7 spindles retract up to the Stop Bar. Each spindle assembly has a tapered hole thru it. This hole is in the block with t
Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 16:20:54 EDT 2011 | wrongway
hello Baez check the air line from spindle to the manifold make sure theres no small hole in it. some times with the spindle moveing up and down it may leak worse in some positions than others
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 22:52:57 EST 2004 | Roberto Rodriguez
i have a Universal GSM2 machine down and we check all, but are exaust, the problem is the next, when we make Zero axis tha machine say "AXIS HEAD1 Z POSITION ERROR DURING MOVE RELATIVE COMMAND" AND "TIME UP SPINDLES UP". DO YOU HAVE EXPERIENCIES AT T
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 18 10:07:55 EST 2006 | rmitchell
Good morning everyone, Our IP3 head 1 is making a loud squealing noise, sometimes bad enough to hit the e-stop as it locks up. This started over the weekend so I don't have all the facts. When I manually move the Z spindle up and down by grabbing
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 22:47:26 EST 2004 | pdeuel
Contact sensors out of adjustment. If you push up on spindle the led should change state. same if spindle is pulled down. I have also had problems with PTIF error during zeroing Soft stop. last messages recieved were reported as z axis time out durin
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 11:30:58 EDT 2014 | dave222
Hello Again. I little more information about the issue: when trying to zero machine head the spindles move up and down about 6 times before giving the error code. also I notice that all the LEDs on the circuit board are off. L11 - L18. and the nume
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 26 02:38:07 EDT 2011 | evans1001
Had an issue with spindle 2 not coming down and picking parts up, then it was but not placing the part. The other 3 spindles were working fine. Changed the head on the machine but stil had the same issues. Anyone with any ideas. Cheers
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 26 14:54:52 EDT 2015 | ercdave1
Hello, just a quick update on this issue. I disabled head 2 on beam 2 which was the second head I worked on, and left only active the head that I had work with first and ran dry cycle with. after disabling the head 2, the machine zeroed with no pr
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 09 22:32:05 EDT 2013 | jeffr
There is no easy way... but this is how I do it.. Origin the R axis, losen the idler bearings on the belt, remove the C clips at the top of the heads, lift up and remove the spindle assemblies being careful not to lose the 2 balls in the side of the