Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 14 10:01:32 EDT 2007 | gmoritz
I have posted earlier on a UIC Radial inserter machine. We have the machine running after repair of the CnC head. However, I now have a process problem with a board that has 256x3 LED parts (768 LEDs in three colors) where only 50% of the LEDs can b
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 16:27:06 EDT 2006 | proy
As we are a low volume shop, the extra handling is not too much of a concern. My biggest concern is if the flux sitting on teh board for a long time (few hours) is going to cause any problems in solderability. My thought is that it should not as it
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 10:52:43 EDT 2006 | russ
Could you not just switch to alcohol based flux? If your prob is getting the water off the board prior to hitting the wave, maybe you could install some type of convection to aid in this? Russ
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 04:48:14 EDT 2006 | greg york
Apply the bare minumum amount of VOC free typically 50% less than alcohol fluxes. By doing this you can keep the same top board temperature as alcohol, its only when people over flux do you need to boost up the preheater to volatise of the water. NEV
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 10:36:27 EDT 2006 | proy
I am considering moving my spray fluxer into a completely separate operation. Has anybody any comments of sraying VOC free flux on boards, then putting them in a drier/holding rack for possibly say overnight, then running them through wave solder?
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 15:56:43 EDT 1998 | Ryan
| | | Hey all! | | | The wave solder warrior is back. I have found a flux which leave almost no residue (the least yet), but because of its super low solids content I absolutely cannot get topside fillets. The multi-layer, two sided board is o
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 14:31:04 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
| | Hey all! | | The wave solder warrior is back. I have found a flux which leave almost no residue (the least yet), but because of its super low solids content I absolutely cannot get topside fillets. The multi-layer, two sided board is on a
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 11:15:50 EDT 1998 | Ryan Jennens
Hey all! The wave solder warrior is back. I have found a flux which leave almost no residue (the least yet), but because of its super low solids content I absolutely cannot get topside fillets. The multi-layer, two sided board is on a pallet w
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 14:58:11 EST 2000 | Greg denham
Does anyone have any information on baking boards to remove moisture before reflowing and waving assemblies? I've been told that we should do this to stop such problems as delamination of boards, blow holes, solder balls, etc. I don't know have any e
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 14:58:11 EST 2000 | Greg denham
Does anyone have any information on baking boards to remove moisture before reflowing and waving assemblies? I've been told that we should do this to stop such problems as delamination of boards, blow holes, solder balls, etc. I don't know have any e