Electronics Forum: spray flux sono tek (Page 1 of 4)

Re: VOC free flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 16:03:58 EDT 2000 | Steve Harshbarger

David, Your concern is legitimate regarding the aggressiveness of VOC free flux. Water (the main substance of VOC free flux)is much more aggressive than alcohol. You will have an increased need to be more cautious from a compatibility standpoint, r

Wes' question on VOC-FREE flux

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 11:01:17 EDT 1999 | Vince Whipple

Wes, I have been involved with many customers changing over from an alcohol based no-clean to a VOC-free process. The change-over can be made easier by such things as air movement, convection preheat, "drains" or reliefs in pallets (if used), contr

Re: Spray fluxer vs.Foam fluxer

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 10 10:24:06 EST 1998 | Wayne Bracy

| I need to find out the benefits about having a spray fluxer.Right now we are using a foam fluxer on our electrovert wavesolder. We are thinking about investing in a spray fluxer and I want to know if anyone has used a spray fluxer and if any proble

Wave Solder: Flux Validation

Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 10:05:19 EDT 2004 | Cal

Good Point- If you are beginning a new evaluation of fluxes, make sure you consider an ultrasonic spray fluxing system. A fluxer from Sono Tek (www.sono-tek.com) can add valuable data to your wave solder process. regards. Cal *NOTE:I do not receiv

Re: Quantity of dross and type of flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 21 22:15:59 EST 2000 | Vince Whipple

Mohammed, The first suggested place to start with your question would probably be with your flux Mfr. Push them! The quantity of dross is effected by several factors: The higher your solder pot temp., the higher your dross level... but don't go too

Re: Spray Fluxers

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 20:13:10 EST 1999 | Wayne Bracy

| Does anyone have any recommendations on spray fluxers? Are there major differences between the high priced ultrasonic machines to the low priced flux/air spraying machines? We are going to be spraying an OA flux with 11% solids content. Are there a

Re: Spray Fluxer Suppliers

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 18 17:24:37 EDT 1998 | Wayne Bracy

| I am trying to find information for one of our engineers on spray fluxing equipment. Years ago, I investigated these somewhat and now remember two suppliers -- Sonotek and AT&T. | | I was able to find information on Sonotek (http://www.sono-tek.c

Solder Saver ??

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 25 10:18:46 EDT 2006 | evsint

I would challenge that comment NAME ONE You are correct regarding the old Earth-Tronics SRS machines But EVS is a new company and the new models the EVS 3000 adn EVS 6000 have been totally redesisgned and all who have used the old machines and n

SonoFlux 9500

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 06 17:34:24 EST 2006 | Vincent Whipple

Hello Bill, I have been away from the office and just got back to see this posting. Sorry for the late reply. Give us a call at Sono-Tek and we would be happy to assist with your spray fluxer and your wave process. We support any machine with our nam

Wave Soldering Thick PCBs - Foam vs Spray Fluxing

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 28 09:21:22 EST 2004 | pjc

In almost every application an ultrasonic spray fluxer will out perform foam fluxing. Better soldering results are what most expereince after making the change to U/S spray. There are good ultrasonic units from USI and Sono-Tek. www.ultraspray.com w

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