Electronics Forum: squeegee lifetime (Page 1 of 1)

Recovery of Expired Solder Paste !!! + Squeegee Lifetime

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 21:35:48 EDT 2002 | davef

Reworking used paste. We do not rework or reuse used paste, because we have no experience reformulating paste or controlling the process. Squeegee life. We do not use squeegees with damaged blades. After that, if we can fixture them and get good

Recovery of Expired Solder Paste !!! + Squeegee Lifetime

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 07:59:14 EDT 2002 | hany_khoga

Hello there: 1- I know someone who diluted expired solder paste, which obviously lost its tackiness using Isopropanol. The paste was expired by more than 6monthes but after dilution I saw by myself the paste has retrieved its tackiness. The amazing


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