Electronics Forum: sr- 10 19 000001 (Page 1 of 1)

VIOS Files

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 03 19:43:19 EST 2011 | jeffr

The order is:- x..y..r..signofland.(19 characters) then.... Byte 28-31 component.(000~09f6), Byte 24-27=fid (0000~01ff), Byte 20-23=bad (0000~01ff), Byte 18-19=mount order (00~of), Byte 16-17=head (00~of), Byte 14-15=skip00:/exec01:/note02:, Byte 12-

TAL during reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 07 19:10:04 EST 2006 | GS

Hi, other effect could be the extra inter-metallic thickness that could compromise the solder joint reliability. just my 0.00001 Doblon Best regards.........GS

Solder Splash/Balls and Flux Splash/Balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 19 10:18:58 EST 2021 | grahamcooper22

Hi, try a low spitting cored wire...something like ALMIT SR-LA cored wire...or SR-LA SUPER...it eliminates flux/solder spitting during soldering.

Very fishy missing solder paste issue

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 19 12:10:04 EDT 2005 | CLampron

Sr. tech, The mount tool test position is what I am refering to. The function of this is to determine the placement plane of the board. The mount plane will change if the board is thicker so thickness is relavent. regards Chris

Way to port SMT program from Mydata to Panasonic?

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 19 10:35:56 EDT 2008 | mi

No, I don't have Panapro at all. Some Mydata files I've exported end in: *.cmp & *.gen Files saved on floppy from Panasonic MSH II end in: *.MNG, *.POS, *.SET Panasonic program filenames come out as: CF000000.POS CF000001.POS ... Sample quote of

ESD considerations during Conformal Coating?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 23:19:46 EDT 2009 | isd_jwendell

I too have heard of the ESD problem when using aerosol spray conformal coating, but I haven't found any documentation. I have been spraying SR conformal coating for ~ 10,000 boards with no failures due to the coating. The person spraying is grounded

White spots on PCB

Electronics Forum | Mon May 14 19:16:49 EDT 2001 | jagman

Dave: Actually, I'm located in the South Bay (Santa Clara)! Good guess. Now, for more in-depth information: So far, the distribution has been limited to one board out of 10 assembled, so far from one lot. The components assembled are exclusively

BTU Paragon 150 Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 24 19:18:40 EDT 2006 | sessioc

OK guys here is the skinny..... > > We need an > oven that can handle lead free temps without > slowing the belt speed under 28 or so in. per > min. > > BTU tells me that they don't recommend an > oven that maxes any less than 350 C. > > Is an

What caused this reflow issue?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 17 10:44:24 EDT 2008 | rculpepp

I'd suspect contamination also, possibly from the board supplier. Sr. Tech's post mentioned what looks like a blister on the board, in the upper right of the Q19 photo. This could very well be a contaminate from the PWB fab shop. I've seen similar pr


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